I have installed 1.6.06 from scratch and loaded several albums (jjsphotos.co.uk).
The header bar reads :
Quote2,068 files in 30 albums with 0 comments viewed 10 times
However, in the album listing, one album's views are stated as 3 but under 'Album properties reset album' it states 9 views.
Another album shows 32 views on the album listing page but 1 under the 'Album properties reset album'.
I have searched the forum but can't find an answer.
I may be totally misinterpeting the figures but.....
Any ideas please?
Many thanks.
I don't know if it's similar to the problem I have after upgrading to 1.6.06 but have you tried refreshing the page in your browser to get the latest figures? With my gallery I can upload images, but when I try "last uploads" they don't show until I refresh the page. Do you have that problem?
Thanks, Sharpo but no, it is the same after refreshing, logging on, logging off and on again etc, etc.
Also checked using two different computers.
Always same problem.
Checking the 'views' over a couple of days, I am still very confused :o :-\ :)
As far as I can tell:-
a. 'Views' are increasing with no entries showing in the 'Hit details'
b. The 'hit details' can show that a photo has been viewed but the view counter on the album doesn't increase.
c. The Album Properties - Reset Album figure for 'Views' appears not necessarily to reflect the number of views show on the front page of the site.
Perhaps it's my concept of what counts as a 'view' and/or a 'hit' that is at fault.
See attached for details.
I should appreciate any help, particularly what count as 'views' and 'hits'.
Many thanks.
I am getting nowhere with my investigations as to why the discrepancies.
Could someone please explain what are the definitions of an 'album' hit and a 'view'.
Also, where the 'Reset Album' gets the figure for the number of views from.
Many thanks.