I'm not sure what to put here because I'm having an issue with a reinstallation. On the original gallery I was running the current stable version of 1.6.06 and the url is: http://treatwilliams.org/gallery.
So here's the issue. Due to a substantial hack, I had to completely delete all files after running the Check Files plugin to check the albums. I found some files that were hacked and or extra files put in by sql injection, including cleaning up the /includes/config.php file and the index. I also moved the site to another host because the new host is more secure and provides a cpanel that my previous host doesn't. So I deleted all extraneous files with the exclusion being my config file and the uploads folder since I'd run the Check Files.
After uploading a new copy of CPG 1.6.06, I then reuploaded the uploades folder with all the pictures, then set about to re-establish the database by creating new DB Name, User, and Password. The DB Host is localhost. After doing all that I get this error:
Fatal Error:
When read CONFIG from database
database error: 1146 : Table 'samskara_treatwilgal.cpg16x_config' doesn't exist
I'm not sure what to do right now because I don't understand why it says, "config doesn't exist". I've even tried deleting the 1.6.06 files and reuploading the 1.5.48 version, then running the installer stub, and then reuploading a copy of the database. This is the most frustrating thing because I've done this with all the sites that were hacked on that same server and never encountered an issue like this one. Any help would be most appreciated.
Do as I directed here (https://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,79918.msg387168.html#msg387168) and I'll see if I can help you.
I would love to but the link leads to the Coppermine main forum page.
Sorry. Ignore. The error came from my cellphone. I'm on my computer now.
Ron. Done!
Should be okay now.
The prefix in your database was cpg15x_ but your config.inc.php had it recorded as cpg16_x.
Removed the file manager before I noticed your issue with displaying full sized images. The problem is with your theme. You'll likely have to do something like this (https://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,79919.msg387167.html#msg387167).
Most appreciative. So the error was in the config file? I have fixed the errors in the theme and all is displaying as it should.
Thank you for your help. You're a lifesaver.