Hi there,
Firstly, thank you for anyone who is contributing to the Coppermine project, its hugely appreciated.
My Gallery says it is on 1.6.07, even though I don't recall upgrading from 1.5.48 - is it possible it did it itself ??
It is offering to upgrade me automatically with a button to do it - I've never done it that way before - is it safer than just manually uploading/overwriting all the files via FTP, and then running the update option, which is what I have always done previously?
It is bridged with SMF 2.0.17.
- Rob
I don't seem to have the option to edit the above post, or I would.
Apologies - I found my own post saying I upgraded to 1.6.07 in January, I just forgot! So my question is just about automatic or manual. Thanks.
Clicking on that update button is hugely more convenient. You would be done in 15 seconds ... and most of that time would have just been reading things a bit.
Happy to support the project in some way, so that my stupid questions aren't so annoying.
Questions are very rarely stupid and yours are definitely not annoying. That's why we're here.