as suggested in a previous topic by ron4mac (topic,80244.0) I used cpg_installer_stub.php.v3.3 to upgrade cpg1.5x to cpg1.6.0.8.
I choosed the same database but asked for new table prefixes (cpg16x) and a new subdirectory for cpg.
All went well, new dir and tables were sucessfully installed. (Just one small trouble: anycontent.php was missing in the new install and I had to add it manually)
Connected to the new galery, I then ran update.php. Here again all went well with a report OK.
But there was no transfert or copy from old tables to the new ones, so the new gallery is empty.
Did I missed something ?
Thanks for advise
If the upgrade was done appropriately with the installer stub, it would have never asked for a database name or prefix name. It would have gotten that information from the previous 1.5 install. And if there was no anycontent file, then you weren't installing into the CPG 1.5 folder.
The installer stub needs to be placed in the CPG 1.5 folder ... which is, hopefully, still intact. Then run the installer stub from there.
You never indicated the version of CPG 1.5.x that you were last running. If that version was less than 1.5.20, there could be problems upgrading.
Have you contacted your host to see whether you could temporarily run PHP 5.6 just long enough to get this straightened out? If it's a cPanel account, you may have the option to run PHP 5.6 in selected directories.
Hello ron4mac,
many thanks again for your time and kind help.
Quote from: ron4mac on August 01, 2020, 02:23:18 PMIf the upgrade was done appropriately with the installer stub, it would have never asked for a database name or prefix name. It would have gotten that information from the previous 1.5 install. And if there was no anycontent file, then you weren't installing into the CPG 1.5 folder.
The installer stub needs to be placed in the CPG 1.5 folder ... which is, hopefully, still intact. Then run the installer stub from there.
Well, I asked for a new directory instead of the one which is existing. I'm going to do an other try using it.
Quote from: ron4mac on August 01, 2020, 02:23:18 PMYou never indicated the version of CPG 1.5.x that you were last running. If that version was less than 1.5.20, there could be problems upgrading.
As I kept the initial prefixes (cpg1410) I don't know what is the latest release I installed. I believe it is 1.5.46 but not sure.
Is there such an info into the database ? I looked at config table but not found. I'm going to retry.
Quote from: ron4mac on August 01, 2020, 02:23:18 PM
Have you contacted your host to see whether you could temporarily run PHP 5.6 just long enough to get this straightened out? If it's a cPanel account, you may have the option to run PHP 5.6 in selected directories.
I'm running my own Debian server so I have all accesses. I never mixed PHP versions till now but let's try.
I just have to see how I could install PHP5.6 in parallel with PHP7 without break anything else :-[
Quote from: PhLinuX on August 01, 2020, 03:36:26 PM
As I kept the initial prefixes (cpg1410) I don't know what is the latest release I installed. I believe it is 1.5.46 but not sure.
Look at the file include/init.inc.php. The version is defined there.
You didn't quite follow the directions for upgrading https://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,79013.0.html
that say to choose to
upgrade the current installation.
Just make sure first that your version was at at least 1.5.20. If not, you
will need to run PHP 5.6 long enough to update your CPG installation to 1.5.48.
I finally decided to abandon the project to do an upgrade. (in my case, revert back to php 5.6 seems to be more difficult than going to a new CPG 1.6 install.
Firstly, I have few users (only my close family), the gallery is only for consulting (no user gallery) and in any case I have to sort and clean all my pictures.
Secondly, I use a lot PHP7/Apache with many apps of my own and don't want to to run the risk of breaking dependencies or other on my server.
So I prefer to work now on this new version and it runs like a charm ! 8)
Many thanks ron4mac for your kind help.