This is the cpg1.6.x and PHP7 compatible version of the Quick tag plugin.
Quote from: Αndré on August 06, 2014, 01:04:36 PM
This plugin adds a clickable list of the most frequent keywords next to the keyword edit fields in edit_one_pic.php and editpics.php.
By default, 10 keywords will be displayed. You can change that value in codebase.php:
$num_keywords = 10;
Hi Andre, this looks like a useful plugin.
I installed the earlier version on my main gallery at (version 1.5) and it works as intended. However, I tried the new version on my test gallery at version (1.6) and both 'edit_one_pic.php' and 'editpics.php' lock up.
Is this because my site is running php v5? It is as provided by the ISP and I have no control over that.
Regards and thanks.