Hello everyone, i wanted to install an autodetect language translate adapter but it says that is not supported by my server, it won't let me install it. I contacted my hosting and they said i have to contact coppermine to tell me what are the requries to install this plugin. Thank you!
What plugin? (attachment or link)
This one" "
That is core functionality of Coppermine. Can you post screenshots of what you are seeing and doing so we can be more clear in what is going wrong for you?
Hello dear,
nothing show up i guess, i go in gallery configuration > Autodetect language and i have check marked but the site do not translate, it stays in english.
That is expected behaviour. When you open Coppermine it drops a cookie which includes the language. If you then change language, that cookie remains. Read the part of the doc where it details this - https://documentation.coppermine-gallery.net/en/languages.htm
It shows you can clear that cookie with /?lang=xxx at the end of your URL or you can force a language with /?lang=(your language)
That is detailed in the yellow box.
And be aware that CPG 1.6.09 only has English, German, French and Estonian language files.
Okay thank you everybody :)
Hello dear,
problem was solved, this was my old account, please can you delete this post for personal reasons? Thank you!