I have a very odd problem. I have been able to upgrade 2 Coppermine installations successfully on the same server, but now I have 2 that give an error. One that is giving the error is at http://picard.trekcore.com (running CPG 1.5.34 (stable)) and when I execute the cpg_installer_stub.php I get the error below. One example of another gallery on the same server that upgraded with no issues is http://prodigy.trekcore.com/gallery
Does anyone know what is causing this? Would greatly appreciate your insights.
"Warning: file_get_contents(https://api.github.com:443/repos/coppermine-gallery/cpg1.6.x/releases): failed to open stream: HTTP request failed! HTTP/1.1 403 rate limit exceeded in /home3/trekcore/public_html/picard/gallery/cpg_installer_stub.php on line 290
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home3/trekcore/public_html/picard/gallery/cpg_installer_stub.php on line 188
Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /home3/trekcore/public_html/picard/gallery/cpg_installer_stub.php on line 188
No packages are currently available for you to install"
Sorry everyone, it seems that our host was having temporary server problems and now it works again.
Many thanks for resolving your thread.