I don''t know if this is the right place in this forum, but it is regarding visuals.
I just upgraded to cpg 1.6, because of an upgrade of pHp on my server to 7.3
Strange enough everything seems to be ok, but in one subcategory the photos appear as a filmstrip but no in the mainformat of 400.
There is only a smal box visible where the picture should be.
You can see this here: http://nngfotoalbum.west-papua.nl/displayimage.php?album=144&pid=9490#top_display_media
Has someone a clue?
It would seem there is some issue with PHP determining the size of some of your intermediate images. You could turn off using a transparent overlay in Config -> Image View or you could try using the Admin Tools to regenerate the intermediate images for the effected album(s).
Thank you very much ron4mac.
I turned off the transparent overlay and the issue was solved.
Thanx again.
P.S. I have another issue about ecards.
I make another Topic, because this one is solved.