Hello CPG team ,
Im using CPG 10 years. I have login koubax and pass. I can send it to moderators or support.
My problem is in Database . If i login to CPG then have error : Critical ERROR. Error with database query.
Before few days moving the server to new virtual host. And upgrading PHP 5 to PHP 7xx.
First page have error with query .. i upload all files 1.6.13 and page now work, with errors in CZ language, after login i have this error.
Translate error from czech language is:
$lang_errors['database_query'] = 'Vyskytla se chyba pi databázovém dotazu.';
Did you run the update?
Try with a different theme to see if it is a theme issue.
OK, thanks for tip. Update can do run . Now i can login with my user and pass . And update is compete. now work fine. only small error with charset. must change to UTF or charset.
can you CLOSE this ticket. thans to much ... ;) you save my gallery.
if you need view czech girls can you check my web.
www.koubax.cz/gallery (http://www.koubax.cz/gallery) [ NOT WORKPLACE APPROPRIATE ]