Support => cpg1.6.x Support => cpg1.6 upgrading => Topic started by: LaurentR2D2 on February 12, 2022, 04:19:51 PM

Title: Fatal error after upgrading from Coppermine 1.5 to Coppermine 1.6 - smf bridge
Post by: LaurentR2D2 on February 12, 2022, 04:19:51 PM
I have a Coppermine Gallery linked to a SMF forum with a bridge. SMF forum version is 2.0.19. After doing the upgrade I get a fatal error with this message :

While executing query 'SELECT u.ID_MEMBER AS id, u.realName AS username, SHA1(CONCAT(passwd, passwordSalt)) AS password, u.ID_GROUP AS group_id FROM `clicletruc`.smf_members AS u LEFT JOIN `clicletruc`.smf_membergroups AS g ON u.ID_GROUP=g.ID_GROUP WHERE u.ID_MEMBER='3'' in bridge/ on line 59

database error: 1054 : Unknown column 'u.realName' in 'field list'

It seems to be a problem with the bridge not being updated. How I can update it ?

Thank you
Title: Re: Fatal error after upgrading from Coppermine 1.5 to Coppermine 1.6 - smf bridge
Post by: LaurentR2D2 on February 12, 2022, 04:48:50 PM
I've runned the bridgemgr.php file and it has solved my problem.
Title: Re: Fatal error after upgrading from Coppermine 1.5 to Coppermine 1.6 - smf bridge
Post by: phill104 on February 12, 2022, 11:55:58 PM
Thanks for resolving your thread. Best of luck with your site