Support => cpg1.6.x Support => cpg1.6 miscellaneous => Topic started by: Tempy111 on May 12, 2022, 10:19:47 PM

Title: regisitration Submit turns into blank page
Post by: Tempy111 on May 12, 2022, 10:19:47 PM
I checked to see if a new update to Coppermine has been done in the last.. however many years but nothing yet but i got a problem which seamed to have started at the end of last year.

When a guest tries to create an account, after clicking on submit on the registration form, it takes it back to the registration php as it should but the page doesn't load.. it has the top part of the code and all, but where the code of the page itself and anything there like saying an e-mail has been sent or anything really, does not load.. checking the source it just ends after the page header (banner, menu custom header).

I've tried turning off the header, turning off the footer, tried turning off all the plugins. I've tried check versions and everything is fine, i've tried to see if there are any error messages but can't find much in the way of error logging for this..  the Database log has the odd interesting looking error but nothing recent enough to seam to be connected to this (last error was a month ago) and the security log just shows alot of people failing to login which isn't really anything new and are probebly mostly people getting their passwords wrong.. though some might be because people are having problems creating an account and trying to check to see if it's worked or not..

the Server i'm on is using PHP 8 so i wondered if maybe something to do with that hand changed in december and screwed things up..

I've been with Coppermine gallery for some time and it would be a pain to transfer over (and I would lose all the various bits of data) to another system..
Title: Re: regisitration Submit turns into blank page
Post by: ron4mac on May 13, 2022, 04:34:40 PM
For me to be of much help, you would need to PM me a link to the site and an admin login.
Title: Re: regisitration Submit turns into blank page
Post by: Tempy111 on May 13, 2022, 04:45:03 PM
No problem, though I'll point out, I'm an adult artist so.. just in case that's a bit.. off for you.. some people can be very fussy about such things for some reason.. violence is okay, but love isn't it seams..
Title: Re: regisitration Submit turns into blank page
Post by: ron4mac on May 13, 2022, 06:31:25 PM
I am amazed that the reason for your issue has not caused problems before now!

In your gallery file register.php, change line 489 from:
    if ($result->numRows(free)) {
    if ($result->numRows(true)) {

Will be corrected in the next release (1.6.20).
Title: Re: regisitration Submit turns into blank page
Post by: Tempy111 on May 13, 2022, 06:36:35 PM
Ah, thanks ^_^ works fine now

yeah, does seam odd it's not come up before.. but oh well, atleast it's now know and dealt with