Support => cpg1.6.x Support => cpg1.6 miscellaneous => Topic started by: micropalla on January 05, 2023, 02:28:05 PM

Title: Strange problem with Facebook
Post by: micropalla on January 05, 2023, 02:28:05 PM

I have Coppermine 1.6 but the problem was the same with 1.5.

I copy the link of a page for example
I paste it into FB.
In a first moment it shows the image corrctly (screenshot_29).
Then when I publish the message there is no more the image (screeenshot_30).

Can someone help me?
Tkx in advance!
Title: Re: Strange problem with Facebook
Post by: Joe Carver on January 09, 2023, 03:14:44 AM
Facebook probably doesn't want users to embed a whole web page into their interface/pages.
(not a CPG issue, I think)

You could try to upload the picture and assign a link to that page perhaps? 
Title: Re: Strange problem with Facebook
Post by: KchoPrro on January 15, 2023, 03:48:39 PM
It also occurs to me. It's funny because Facebook does show the preview of my home page, but when I share a gallery link (an image), it shows the preview until I finally post the message, where the image doesn't show up.

For some reason, Facebook doesn't like anything CPG linked to, but it's fine with displaying a simple html page with images.

CPG image page link:

I don't think it has a solution, it's not a CPG problem.