I'm switching to a new server, and now using cpg, and having trouble getting redirects to work.
For albums and categories that will not redirect, just are gone and no longer exist, I wrote the 410 rule as
RewriteRule ^stock/thumbnails\.php\?album=62$ - [R=410, L]
That breaks the new site and creates a 500 error
For abums I want to redirect to a new url, I wrote
RewriteRule ^stock/thumbnails\.php\?album=36$ https://www.domain.com/gallery/appalachian-trail-photos/ [R=301,L]
Does nothing. I also tried it as
Redirect 301 /stock/index.php?cat=2 https://www.domain.com/gallery/outdoor-recreation-photos/
which also does nothing.
I also want to redirect any image display pages to the root gallery of their relative album. So an image from a particular cpg album would go to the gallery page for that on the new site. I wrote
RewriteRule ^stock/displayimage\.php\?album=30&.*$ https://www.domain.com/gallery/canadian-wildlife-photos/ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^stock/displayimage\.php\?album=32&.*$ - [R=410,L]
to send any image from album 30 to the CA wildlife photos album and any image from album 32 is gone.
None of these last work but I can't see what's wrong with them?
Any help would be superduper appreciated, thanks.
So here is some info for you if anybody is ever looking for it. Somebody helped me out so I thought I'd pass on the good karma.
Item #1
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)cat=51(&|$)
RewriteRule ^/(.*)\.php$ - [G]
Above is how to 401 a category from a CPG install
Item #2
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)album=89(&|$)
RewriteRule ^cpg/(.*)\.php$ http://newdomain.com/gallery/gallery-name/
Above is how to redirect an album from a cpg install to a new domain and directory
item #3 and 4
RewriteRule ^cpg/displayimage(.*)\.html$ - [G]
RewriteRule ^cpg/displayimage(.*) - [G]
Above is If you used the (hopefully long-deprecated SEO friendly url plugin _ hell, don't recommend it)
how to 401 an image page
Item #5
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&)album=40(&|$)
RewriteRule ^cpg/(.*)\.php$ - [G]
Above is how to 401 an album from a cpg install
Item #6
RewriteRule ^cpg/displayimage\.php?album=2&.*$ https://newdomain.com/gallery/gallery-name/ [R=301,L]
Above is how to 301 redirect an image from an album in an old CPG install to a new domain.
Hopefully that is helpful to anybody having trouble. Here's a link to the awesome assistance I got from Stackoverflow
My time with CPG is done. Wish you all the best with your project.