Apologies . I posted this in the older 1.5 support .. it might be better here.
I'm switching to a new server, and no longer using cpg, and having trouble getting redirects from the old cpg galleries and images to work.
For albums and categories that I will not redirect, just are gone and no longer exist, I wrote the 410 rule as
Code: [Select]
RewriteRule ^stock/thumbnails\.php\?album=62$ - [R=410, L]
That breaks the new site and creates a 500 error
For old cpg albums that I want to redirect to a new url, I wrote
Code: [Select]
RewriteRule ^stock/thumbnails\.php\?album=36$ https://www.domain.com/gallery/appalachian-trail-photos/ [R=301,L]
But it does nothing. THe urls from cpg show as 404 pages. I also tried it as
Code: [Select]
Redirect 301 /stock/index.php?cat=2 https://www.domain.com/gallery/outdoor-recreation-photos/
which also does nothing.
I also want to redirect any image display pages to the root gallery of their relative album. So an image from a particular cpg album would go to the gallery page for that on the new site. I wrote
Code: [Select]
RewriteRule ^stock/displayimage\.php\?album=30&.*$ https://www.domain.com/gallery/canadian-wildlife-photos/ [R=301,L]
RewriteRule ^stock/displayimage\.php\?album=32&.*$ - [R=410,L]
to send any image from album 30 to the CA wildlife photos album and any image from album 32 is gone.
None of these last work but I can't see what's wrong with them?
Any help would be superduper appreciated, thanks.
Checking a few things:
- What web server is being used ? Apache ?
- Is this code you want to put in a .htaccess file ?
There are lots of examples available with a Google search such as on this site:
Some of the examples are similar to your code.
There's a Regex tester here:
...so you could try using the RewriteMatch directive and testing it in the above site.
posted to solve this in the 1.5 misc board (https://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,80659.0.html). Hopefully that's of some help to folks if they need it.