Support => cpg1.6.x Support => cpg1.6 permissions => Topic started by: treehstn on May 31, 2023, 11:59:50 PM

Title: Trying to set correct group permissions
Post by: treehstn on May 31, 2023, 11:59:50 PM
I'm trying to set permissions so the following is true and can't figure it out.  I've tried searching the forum and what I'm finding a lot of is setting permissions like this using bridged apps which I'm not planning on having.

1.  Admin - Full control
2. "Moderator" - Can add & move albums & photos.  NO delete permissions at all.
3.  Registered - Add, move, modify their own personal galleries ONLY.  NO delete permissions at all.
4.  Guests - Viewing rights but no add, move, delete rights.

Thank you!

(Using 1.6.17)
Title: Re: Trying to set correct group permissions
Post by: treehstn on June 02, 2023, 10:05:10 PM
It may not be typical to restrict users from deleting albums & photos but this is a project where a single person owns thousands of photos that she is trying to return to family & descendants.  She has several people that have helped her with putting the photos in a facebook group and then 2 of the volunteers flipped out and deleted all the hundreds of photos they had uploaded to the group.  She is still going to have volunteers help and wants to make sure that none of the files are deleted again.  It's been a nightmare trying to piece everything together again.
Title: Re: Trying to set correct group permissions
Post by: treehstn on June 04, 2023, 03:07:25 AM
I went ahead and loaded SMF and bridged CM to SMF without any issues.  But I don't see any additional options after doing that.  I'm not seeing anywhere to set a permission disallowing users to delete images.  Is this just not an option at all?  TY!
Title: Re: Trying to set correct group permissions
Post by: Joe Carver on June 04, 2023, 09:06:35 PM
Yes, see the details in the documents:

Note that CPG is now at version 1.6.25, an upgrade is recommended.
Title: Re: Trying to set correct group permissions
Post by: treehstn on June 04, 2023, 10:01:56 PM
Thank you!!
Title: Re: Trying to set correct group permissions
Post by: ron4mac on June 05, 2023, 01:33:33 PM
This plugin should work to prevent non-admin users from deleting photos and albums.
Title: Re: Trying to set correct group permissions
Post by: treehstn on June 05, 2023, 10:34:59 PM
It appears that it is working fine.  But I found that I'm having some errors from bridging and also need to update coppermine.  Going to take care of that and then will retest and let you know.  Thank you so much!