I'll give you the information then the issue. The gallery I'm requesting help for is https://charliecox.org/gallery and is running the current stable version 1.6.25.
So the issue I'm having trouble with is the site I've linked was erroneously deleted by my host. I had a backup copy from a couple of years ago, but not a current version. So using the Wayback Machine, I'm reconstructing the posts, pages, and gallery uploads. In the process of adding back the images I'm running into many issues regarding photos that are there in the albums, but not in the batch add screen. The images are there on the Wayback Machine copy so they were in the albums before the site was zapped, but they aren't showing up in the batch add screen. They are in the folder when you look at them on FTP and in the file directory. I recorded a video to show you wants happening, and here is the link:
https://charliecox.org/charliecoxcpgbatchaddissue.mp4 (https://charliecox.org/charliecoxcpgbatchaddissue.mp4)
So the other issue is again on this gallery and that is. When I go to add the images back into one of the albums, it will show as new images and not as the images they were in the original gallery on Wayback Machine. When I go to delete what "might" be in the album to reupload, it tells me there is a critical error and that the images are not writable, therefore I can't do anything with it. There is no changes in the CHMOD for this one album and it is the same as the rest. What could be the issue?
Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide.
CHMOD is not always helpful if ownership is incorrect. You may need to use the CHOWN command to place the directories under the right ownership. Your host would be the best people to advise on this as every setup is different.
I do have a ticket into them. Though all the other albums are set to the same, yet no issues. I'll have to see what they say. This has happened many times. Thanks for your reply. Appreciated.
I was wondering if anyone has looked again at this issue? I've put in a ticket to my host and they haven't been of any help. Can anyone on CPG help?
As for the issue with images showing as new and the critical error, it might be related to file permissions or database problems. Check the permissions and reach out to your gallery software or hosting support for assistance.