I recently did an upgrade to the latest version. But somehow my theme (I used water_drop) isn't working. It's not showing the correct water_drop theme like I had before.
It looks like it doesn't recognize the css file? I tried uploading the new water_drop files to test it out. I changed some of the css settings. But it's still the plain blue theme. Can anyone help me?
A link to your Coppermine site would be helpful for helping, however...
The Waterdrop theme in the CPG release 1.6.26 works as checked on my testbed.
- See if it is only the fault of your browser. Try using: w w w . yourcoppermine . com /index.php?theme=xxx to reset it to your Config setting (theme=xxx can be used on any page)
- Check your setting in Config >> Themes Settings >> Theme
- Make sure that all theme-related files and folders are only located in the themes folder (yourcoppermine/themes/waterdrop). Sometimes if the themes folders are mis-located, problems arise.
- Refresh what you have changed / modified with the theme files located in the Download package (links above here)
Moving to cpg1.6 themes (visuals)