I'm wondering if anyone can help me out with this. I've got 3 categories (public, work & friends), and I want to restrict access to work and friends to people I assign to each group. This I have managed restrict access by setting the prefs for each album, which is quite slow, but the remaining problem is that the list of categories + sub-categories still appears.
What I want to happen is for unregistered users just to see the public category, users assigned to the work group to see the public + work category, and for users assigned to the friends group to see the public + friends category.
Is this possible?
at the moment not possible without hacking the coppermine core code (index.php), php-knowledge required.
I'm trying to do the same thing then Rufu, I thing it's an important feature to have. Those categories and albums are too much in the open for 'anon' to see.
Oh, and how can I delete a dir created by CPG 1.2.1 with 755 chmod. I have no ssh access and ftp won't do it.
If you can't delete files and folders with ftp you're stuck and will have to ask your webhost to do this for you.
P.S. We have a "one question per thread" policy - please don't ask unrelated question on a thread, as you're sort of "hijacking" the original thread. Instead, if you can't find the answer to your question by searching the board and checking the coppermine docs, post a new thread on the relevant board.
Working on the category manager modding to make similar to the album properties feature, adding a dropdown to allow categories to be viewable by certain groups. A hangup that I see right now is to make a category viewable to multiple groups and hidden from others, haven't figured how to bridge this yet.
Currently no code to post yet. Just an idea @ the moment with a rough sql statement. Working on the display aspect first. Other idea is to add a feature to select thumbnail (or leave blank) for category as well.
-T 8)
Quote from: buddhaa on August 08, 2004, 12:51:06 AM
I'm trying to do the same thing then Rufu, I thing it's an important feature to have. Those categories and albums are too much in the open for 'anon' to see.
Oh, and how can I delete a dir created by CPG 1.2.1 with 755 chmod. I have no ssh access and ftp won't do it.
if you have cpanel, deleted from cpanel because somehow ftp doesn't allow me to delete folders sometimes
this seems to be a repeated thread topic, hope you guys at coppermine can add this feature. definetnely useful
the question was not how to delete a category, it was "how to hide it". You should be able to delete categories using coppermine's built-in category manager.
Quote from: skybax on August 13, 2004, 04:07:12 PM
Working on the category manager modding to make similar to the album properties feature, adding a dropdown to allow categories to be viewable by certain groups. A hangup that I see right now is to make a category viewable to multiple groups and hidden from others, haven't figured how to bridge this yet.
-T 8)
Can't you create a sort of 'access table' where you store which groups / users have access to which categories? If you have a number for both albums and categories you could have only 1 table for both groups & users.
I can't even find a way to limit view access by album (and I've checked the FAQ and the documentation). What am I missing?
Enabled 'users can have private albums' in config ?
And I suppose that user and group permissions take care of users actually being able to upload stuff to albums they create? (I don't want them uploading or creating.)
That's all done in group permissions.