I am looking for someone to install a coppermine album to my site and add the Multiple file upload using a ZIP archive addon and also a watermarking system as well.
my web designer put up a theme and modified it but cant get the zip or watermarking addons going, so I want to start over with a new theme and get those addons working.
please email me back and let me know if you can do it, how long it would take and also how much you would want.
Josh - joshuafifer@yahoo.com
[edit GauGau]
marked thread as "closed" (2005-03-21), because it has been inactive for more than a month
OK I got someone to install the new theme but still need to install a watermark and zip mod...
SOMEONE please contact me!
Read http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=8170.0
Quote from: joshuafifer on August 15, 2004, 05:18:20 PM
OK I got someone to install the new theme but still need to install a watermark and zip mod...
SOMEONE please contact me!
I can help you. Contact me ;)
Is this still valid? I'm going through the threads in the "paid help" section to find the issues that have been done or are no longer valid and flag them accordingly.
@thread-starter: please reply; if you don't, I'll flag the thread as "invalid".