I'd like to make the gallery name be a link to my websites homepage.
I figure this can be accomplished through delving into the themes\mytheme\theme.php file, but I'm not sure what entry I'm looking for that specifices the gallery name. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
The category names are already links that let you go to the coppermine category, it'd defeat the purpose to make them links that point to something else. I recommend using bbcode in the category description instead. Click on "categroies" in the admin menu, click the edit icon of a specific category, and enter the url you want in a similar way you create links here on this board, like this:
[url=http://yourdomain.tld/folder/page.htm]my link[/url]
No no, you misunderstood what I mean by gallery name. Sorry about that, it is an ambiguous term how it's used in Coppermine sometimes.
When you're in Gallery Configuration, at the very top of General Settigs you have 'Gallery Name' and Gallery Description.' I'd like to make one of those a hyperlink back to my main webpage.
Will bbcode work here? Thanks for the help!
You can hard code the {GAL_NAME} tag to make the link in template.html, or change the setting for {GAL_NAME} in theme.php.
That did the trick!
Thanks so much Nibbler!