Hi everyone,
I've set up coppermine and everything is just dandy. I just have one question, everything else I could figure out.
I'm setting up coppermine in a "reduced" version to just offer up several picture galleries without any of the many functions - a "click-and-display" sort of setup.
I would like to remove ALL of the top page links (from "album list" to "search") so only the site title and description are left, followed by the breadcrumb navigation and category display.
Now, I've got all of that setup nicely, and am about to remove ("comment out") the top page links. My question:
If I comment out everything, how do I still access the admin page?
I've tried to access the admin page separately, but got some script error "Script called without the required parameter(s)." I guess the admin page needs to be called from the index.php, I just don't know how to set that up without having any links at the top.
Hope you could follow my rambling.
Thanks for your time and help.
This is a first-rate product and I am looking forward to integrating it into our site.
Just go to login.php and log yourself in. Don't try to run admin.php, thats not how it works.
If you as admin need all the stuff you removed for everybody (from the section // HTML template for main menu), just re-add it to your admin menu (then you alone will be able to use it when logged in - all others won't be able to do so) in th section // HTML template for gallery admin menu in theme.php