I have a big problem,
i need a funktion too add pics of a extern webspace...
The options are usin extern webspace like the "orginal"
selectin too use orginal or extern webspace for pics ...
i can give 50$ or more ...
Please Help !!!!
Read the sticky (http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=8170.0) from this board - you're suppossed to give more details, especially about the budget you have.
If its to save space, im sure that $50 could go towards finding a better host ;)
no its to save Traffic ...
Quote from: jadmanx on September 15, 2004, 09:20:17 AM
no its to save Traffic ...
Are you trying to use someone else's files and bandwidth? That's hotlinking = bandwidth theft. Unless they're OK with it, if they find you hotlinking without their permission, they could activate hotlink protection and make your efforts in vain. If the above don't apply to you, sorry, it's something to point out to anyone else who is contemplating the idea.
i downt whant to stell links :(
i have a pay webspace and i only whant to share my pics on a free webspace to save Traffic of my webspace ...
Whats so bad on this funktion ???
Well, in your case, you're not using it in a bad way, since you own the paid webspace. However, other people could use it in a bad way if they hotlink from another person's webspace.
yes some people but not i and i whant the mode for my page
This has been talked about a lot on this site.
We are currently talking about having an admin settable function to do this, subject to the remote hosters consent.
Hi everyone,
new here and searching for the same thing. :D
Don´t asking for steeling pics, only for saving traffic.
Is there a way to integrate pics form other webspace in my coppermine gallery? ???
In my case, there is webspace from my provider i like to use, because i reach my hosters traffic limit.
Thank you
This doesn't actually reduce traffic on either site. In reality you'll be doubling traffic, since the pictures are pushed from one server to another, and then to the client. If you have a lot of traffic, the only thing to do is ask to have your max transfer increased.