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cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Started by arabcartoon, February 28, 2006, 11:18:11 PM

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I tray to upgrade my Coppermine Photo Gallery, by some automatic system in my web control panel, put it doesn't woke, some mistake occur, the system display the following message:

Initializing Parameters - Done.
Generating MySQL Backup - Done.
Generating Files Backup - Done.
Warning: rename(/home/nedal/public_html/gallery/images/nopic.jpg,/home/nedal/public_html/gallery/images/thumb_nopic.jpg): No such file or directory in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1141148618.97796467.7690745248 on line 1551

Warning: rename(/home/nedal/public_html/gallery/images/private.jpg,/home/nedal/public_html/gallery/images/thumb_private.jpg): No such file or directory in /tmp/cpanel_phpengine.1141148618.97796467.7690745248 on line 1552
CREATE TABLE `cpg_favpics` ( `user_id` INT( 11 ) NOT NULL , `user_favpics` TEXT NOT NULL , PRIMARY KEY ( `user_id` ) ) COMMENT = 'Stores the server side favourites' - Table 'cpg_favpics' already exists

After that I  successfully logging in as admin user, put some bottom displayed very small with out ant text,  I click some icon, after that I cannot logging in even as admin user or as register user.
What shall I do to solve this problem..


Joachim Müller

we don't know what your automatic system does, you should have upgraded as suggested in the docs. For a start, download the package again and re-update as suggested in the docs. If things still don't work for you, post a link to your site.