No "Admin mode" option after install No "Admin mode" option after install


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No "Admin mode" option after install

Started by nikos900, August 25, 2004, 04:27:48 PM

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Hi everybody,

I do a test installation on a wintel system, installation goes ok, login with admin account ok, but then there is nowhere the option to switch to the "admin mode" in order to perform initial config actions. Even the documentation refers that "click on the "admin mode" link if it is visible"..

What is the trick? Do we do something special in order for this option to show up?

Thanks for any help



Are you sure you're not already IN Admin mode?  If you see a link at the top of the page called "User Mode", you're probably in Admin Mode.  Go ahead and click on User Mode, and you'll see what I mean.  The text will change to "Admin Mode"  That you'll have to click on to return to Admin Mode.

That's the easiest thing I could think of, it's always best to start with the easy things than start tearing up script  :)

If that doesn't work...
What version are you using, how was it installed (fantastico?), what host, what server if you're slef hosting...?



Unfortunately, no user or admin mode link is avaiable at the top of the page.
The version is the latest stable (1.3.2), on a windows 2K PC (local), and the instllation was performed alone. (PHP, Apache and Mysql already in the PC after a succesfull Foxserv installation). No integration with the database of PHP-Nuke. I try the Coppermine alone, with its own dedicated database.

Thanks for the try



Did you CHMOD to 755 or 777?  At first for me, my page wasn't working because not only did I have to CHMOD albums and include like it said in the documentation, I had to CHMOD my php files in my home dir.  They were all 644, which doesn't allow you to execute.  After changing to 755, things got better  :)

Maybe posting a screen shot of what you're page looks like, or a link to your site will help the more experienced ppl help you with your issue. 

Sorry I can't offer more

Joachim Müller

There's no CHMOD on Windows (only on Unix/Linux), but you will have to set permissions as well, although permissions are not related to login issues (they usually matter when you try to upload; after all you were able to install, so your permissions can't be taht wrong). Check that you are actually logged in (in the upper right corner, there should be a link saying logout [username]. If you're not even logged in, check your cookie settings (privacy) in your browser, or try using another browser (Mozilla Firefox recommended).
Another thing you might want to look into: when working on your home pc, there are different ways to access your page (e.g. http://localhost/, http://localhost:portnumber/,, http://yourhostname etc. pp - you get the idea. Not all methods are reported to work on all setups. Additionally, there have been reports that Foxserve causes trouble, that's why I suggest you look for a standard webserver: apache is still the webserver of choice, and there are many bundles that will install a WAMPP/XAMPP package for you and do some basic configuration already.
Maybe this project is too big for you if you just have begun to learn webserver administration, as it's hard to track what actually goes wrong if you have no parameters you can rely on. Coppermine in itself is not that complicated to set up, but setting up a server can be hell... Sorry if I sound dicouraging - I don't mean to.



I have the same problem with FoxServ...but I did had install it some time ago and didn't face that problem!
Shake it Sakis!!!!

Joachim Müller

so obviously your server config now differs. What other answer do you expect?




I'm running Coppermine on FoxServ too, and I have that same problem, and I need something more positive than "Maybe this project is too big for you..."

Please, help me search in one or another direction!

Anyone solved this since last month?

Thanks for your help


I might have found something interresting in this topic...

Looking at the source code, I realized that, on my machine, the application could not write two cookies in the same script! Try to modify the code of (version 1.3.2) :
After the line...
setcookie($CONFIG['cookie_name'].'_data', $data, time()+86400*30, $CONFIG['cookie_path']);
... I just added
setcookie($CONFIG['cookie_name'].'_data_2', $data, time()+86400*30, $CONFIG['cookie_path']);

The result of this (in Firefox) is that I only have the cpg132_data2 cookie registred when I launch login.php ...

Removing the _data_2 line, I get the cpg132_data cookie !

Seing that the autentification creates cpg132_uid, cpg132_pass and cpg132_data in the same script/order, only the last one remains and the user is never set...

The problem is that I don't know if this is a PHP bug (version 4.2.2) or a config problem in my php.ini...

Has anyone an idea??

Thaks for your help



Ok, it's me again...

What I described in the previous post is a known bug in PHP 4.2.? which has been fixed. So, FoxServ users, you should upgrade your version of PHP.

Now if anyone can help me upgrade my PHP version inside FoxServ, I would be very pleased  ;)

Hope this helped



PS : I realize I could have posted all this in only one post... Sorry again  :-[


Have you tried the FoxServ forums?

I don't know what the lure of FoxServ is, since I manually install all packages separately, but anything based on such an outdated version of PHP should be questioned.  There are security risks with anything less than PHP 4.3.10.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots