Running install.php gives errors. Running install.php gives errors.


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Running install.php gives errors.

Started by mexredknee, April 21, 2005, 08:43:14 PM

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Installation on an XP Pro:
Note: I shutdown my firewall prior to installation.

Apache Installation
1. I downloaded Apache "apache_2.0.54-win32-x86-no_ssl.msi" from "". It is listed under "Apache 2.0.54 is the best available version" heading.
2. Saved it to my hardrive "C:\".
3. Double clicked the file and the installation started.
4. Clicked the "Next >" button and sellected "I accept the terms in the licence agreement and clicked the "Next >" button twice.
5. Under "Network Domain" I used <isp name> because that is what my router has listed. I'd imagine that if a person was part of AOL then they might use but I really don't know. Under Server Name I used my <computername>.<isp name> without the "<>". Under Administrator's email address I typed my regular email address, <email name>@<isp name> without the "<>". I then selected "for All Users, on Port 80, as a Service -- Recommended." and clicked the "Next >" button.
6. I selected "Typical" and clicked the "Next >" button three times.
7. After letting it run, I clicked the "Finished" button.
8. To test the installation I opened my browser and when to http://<my ip address>/ without the "<>" and the Apache test page.

PHP Installation
1. I downloaded "" from "" and saved it to my hardrive "C:\".
2. I double clicked the file and double clicked the php-4.3.11-Win32 foler inside.
3. I made a new folder called "php" on my hardrive and copied all the files listed in the "php..." folder into the "c:\php" folder.
4. I renamed the file "php.ini-recommended" to "php.ini".
5. I clicked "Start" button and the selected "Settings/Control Panel/System"
6. I clicked the "Advanced" tab and then the "Environment Variables" button.
7. Under "System variables" I selected the "Path" variable and clicked the "Edit" button.
8. Under "Variable value:" I added ";C:\php" without the quotes to the end of the string.
9. In the "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\conf" folder I opened "httpd.conf" file using Notepad and added the following lines to the end of the file.

# For PHP 4 do something like this:
LoadModule php4_module "c:/php/php4apache2.dll"
# Don't forget to copy the php4apache2.dll file from the sapi directory!
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

# configure the path to php.ini
PHPIniDir "C:/php"

10. I copied the file "php4apache2.dll" from "C:\php\sapi" directory to "C:\php" directory.
11. I don't know how to test php except by restarting Apache. I didn't have any errors.

MySQL Installation
1. I downloaded the "Windows Essentials (x86)" package from  "" and saved it to my hardrive "C:\".
2. I double clicked the file and clicked the "Next >" button twice and the "Install" button once.
3. I elected to skip the " Sign-Up".
4. First make sure the "Configure the MySQL Server now" is selected and click the "Finish" button.
5. I clicked the "Next >" button.
6. I Selected "Standard Configuration" and clicked the "Next >" button.
7. I Selected the following and clicked the "Next >" button.
"Install As Windows Service"
"Launch the MySQL Server automatically"
"Include Bin Directory in Windows PATH"
8. I selected "Modify Security Settings" and entered a password and confirmed it.
9. I made sure the the "Enable root access from remote machines is selected.
10. I did not select "Create An Anonymous Account".
11. I clicked the "Next >" button and then the "Execute" Button.
12. It gave me a bunch of confirmation messages stating that the configuration file was created and service started successfully among other things.
13. I clicked the "Finish" button.
14. I opened a dos window a type "mysql -h localhost -u root -p"
15. I entered my password.
16. I typed "create database pictures;".
17. I typed "exit".
18. I typed "exit".

ImageMagick Installation
1. I downloaded "ImageMagick-6.2.1-7-Q16-windows-static.exe" from "" and saved it to "C:\".
2. I double clicked the file and clicked the "Next >" button.
3. I selected "I accept the agreement" and clicked the "Next >" button six times.
4. I opened a DOS window and typed the following. The magican image was displayed.
convert logo: logo.miff
imdisplay logo.miff
5. Back on the setup window I clicked the "Next >" button twice and closed the Readme file that openned.

Coppermine Installation
1. I downloaded "" from "" and saved it to "C:\".
2. In "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs" I made a "backup" directory and moved all the files originally from that directory to the backup directory.
3. I double clicked on the file and then on the cpg133 folder.
4. I copied all the files to "C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache2\htdocs" folder.
5. Using my browser I navigated to "http://<my ip address>/install.php".
6. I filled in the following:
Username: <my username>
Password: <my password>
MySQL Host: localhost
MySQL Database Name: pictures
MySQL Username: root
MySQL Password: <my root password>
MySQL table prefix: cpg133_
ImageMagick path: C:/ImageMagick/
7. I clicked the "Let's Go" button and got the following:

The following errors were encountered and need to be corrected first:

Could not create a mySQL connection, please check the SQL values entered

MySQL error was : Client does not support authentication protocol requested by server; consider upgrading MySQL client

Any ideas anyone?
Thanks in advance.


OK, solved the problem.
I opened a dos window and typed:

C:\>mysql -h localhost -u root -p
Enter password: *******
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 3 to server version: 4.1.11-nt

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> UPDATE mysql.user SET Password = OLD_PASSWORD('mypassword') //replace mypassword with your real password
    -> WHERE Host = 'localhost' AND User = 'root';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Rows matched: 1  Changed: 1  Warnings: 0

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> exit


Now when I completed the install.php form I received this.

Installation completed
Coppermine is now properly configured and ready to roll.

Login using the information you provided for your admin account. Do not hit back, do not re-submit the installer form!

Your server supports the following image package(s): ImageMagick (im), the installer selected 'im'.

I hope this helps other newbies like me avoid the problems I faced on installation.

All comments to improve this install process are welcome.

To moderator:
Please consider making this a sticky post for all newbies or integrating it into your regular documentation.

Joachim Müller

thanks for returning and posting your solution, but we won't make this sticky or add it to the docs, as this board doesn't deal with webserver setup. We assume that users already have their webserver (with the minimum requirements like PHP and mySQL) up and running when they try to install coppermine. Although your posting is welcome, it's not relevant in terms of "how to set up coppermine". You have to understand that 95% of all coppermine users are webhosted, so they won't have to set up their own webserver.
