Restrict Uploads To Certain Albums to Certain Users Restrict Uploads To Certain Albums to Certain Users


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Restrict Uploads To Certain Albums to Certain Users

Started by scrapgranny, April 07, 2006, 02:35:51 AM

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I started using Coppermine about a year ago for my gallery and it worked perfectly until it got hacked. Now I have upgraded to the new version and I can't get it set like I had it.

I used to have three levels of access with version 1.3.

1. Admin had access to upload and view all albums
2. Kit Designers  and design team could upload to the specific albums i created for them but no one else could upload to these albums (however everyone could view them). (I had the users in specific groups and was able to allow certain groups access to certain albums)
3. Regular Users could only upload to the user albums and view all albums.

Now with version 1.4 I can't seem to get the setup for the number 2 type of user.

Am I missing something somewhere or is this not possible anymore with the new version?

You used tio be able to set it in the album properties but its not there anymore!

Please help!

Joachim Müller

setup hasn't changed at all from cpg1.3.x to cpg1.4.x for what you're trying to do. Review the album properties for the albums you want your privileged member groups to be capable to upload to.


The only settings there, are to restrict who can VIEW the album. Either everyone or no one but the admin can upload using these settings.

Here is exactly what I need that I used to have;

In my old gallery I created an album for my designers. I made them all part of a group called designers. And somewhere I could set the album for only that group to upload to it, but everyone could view it. There is NO setting in the album properties to do this. The only thing I can do there is restrict who can VIEW the album.

There has to be some way to do this. I had no problem setting it up in the old version. I have tried using the password option but when i put a password on the album it doesnt work. It just makes the album disappear from the list of choices you get to pick from when placing your upload.

And what is the assigned album button on the bottom of each group on the group config page? How do you assign an album to a group? All the buttons say "This group has no special access" when you click it.

Please help me as this is a huge part of my business and I have to make this work!


Joachim Müller
"Vistors can upload files" = "yes"

You can not have a permission that says "usergroup X can upload to album Y" (in no coppermine version ever). If a user group is allowed to upload to public albums, then there is only the above mentioned "yes/no" switch that allows uploads to go into this album by any member of a group that is allowed to upload to public albums at all.

You can not assign anything using the "assigned albums" in the groups panel, it is meant to display what particular albums are assigned to groups in terms of viewing permissions, not upload permissions.

Coppermine doesn't have a more granular permission for uploads as of yet. It never had in a previous version. This hasn't changed at all from cpg1.3.x to cpg1.4.x. The only thing that is new is the "assigned albums" button, but as I said before, this only displays a list, you can't change anything there at all.