Okay I read the FAQ but still have ADD PHOTOS problems Okay I read the FAQ but still have ADD PHOTOS problems


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Okay I read the FAQ but still have ADD PHOTOS problems

Started by www.dalbum.org, May 27, 2006, 11:05:11 AM

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The installation of a fresh cpg was a breeze. But...

When I upload (ftp) new pics from my dig cam (<2mb) to the correct map (upload and it has all the right permissions) everything goes right. When I click ADD FILES I do see the map appear and selecting OK gives me the next page. Some of the pictures-images will show up but most of them don't (yes I see the filenames, but on the right hand side is where it all goes wrong). I get the 'missing-image' picture. Adding the pics to an album, result in none of the possible outcomes mentioned (OK, NA...). Out of an upload of 20 pics it was able to proces only 2. I only see the 'missing-image'. Then I tried to HTTP upload 5 pics. Everything goes right until it needs to add. It gives me the message: SITE NOT AVAILABLE: \sitename\photo\upload.php   The file is available!!!

Entering small pictures does work.

I only see that some of the pictures (thmb) get an OWNER CHANGE. It renames the OWNER to APACHE. Chown-ing the files to the correct user name again, doesn't resolve the problem. IMHO the problem has to do with this, but I am not sure... Any help available???



have you read the sticky thread on this board?  http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=24088.0
It should be able to answer your question


Joachim Müller

Then re-read it and do exactly as suggested: follow the recommendations of the upload troubleshooting section of the docs. Saying "no joy" is not helpful at all.


Well that's support we need. Wow!!!

After a check, double check, and check again I couldn't resolve the problem. BUT... thanx to your wonderfull advice I have been looking around and found the solution myself.

It is called DAlbum. Setting it up is a breeze and it DOES what it needs to do: SHOW PICTURES IN ALBUMS on whatever way I choose to UPLOAD.

Thanx for nothing and success helping all the people who had/have/will have the same problems as I did.



Oh, no. What a loss for us to lose someone so silly as to ask for help without providing requested details. boo hoo hoo.