Critical error while processing a database query Critical error while processing a database query


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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Critical error while processing a database query

Started by dt, March 12, 2004, 11:51:32 PM

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ok i have done a search but havnt found any thing that looked like mine
heres what it shows

and i cant create an ablum :(

QuoteWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/ in /home/www/ on line 777

QuoteWarning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/www/ in /home/www/ on line 51

There was an error while processing a database query

 if this is in the worng place can a moderater please move this post

any help is appreciated


Have you made any changes to your code, particularly the or them.php?
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here

Joachim Müller

if you haven't modified anything, your files may be corrupt. Get a fresh copy of the coppermine package, unzip it and overwrite all files in the include folder and at least index.php in the coppermine folder.



i have replaced the themes, include folder and index.php
and still no go :(

what will happen to all my stuff when i overwite all the files, will it get deleted?? like how many votes albums/categories etc???

is there any way to back up my stuff that i could use when i overwrite all the files??

and no i have no modified any code, but i did try the hardwired theme :?

Joachim Müller

comments and votes aren't stored in files, but in the database - no harm done if you overwrite just files. For backup, see



Quote from: "gaugau"comments and votes aren't stored in files, but in the database - no harm done if you overwrite just files. For backup, see


ok i have selected all the tables and folloed the instructions
and i get a zip file called rapid_db[1].sql when i extract it i get a txt file
"  " - (90kb file), what do i do with this next please.

do i install/overwrite the same version (cpg1.2.0final).

what do i do with the txt file , which was backed up

sorry im a newbie :oops:

and thank you in advance

Joachim Müller

you can open the sql file with any text editor (notepad will do) to see the mySQL dump. Just keep it in a save place if you want to just have a backup. Use the query field in phpMyAdmin and insert the contents of the sql file if you database breaks (that's how to restore).
Get a backup of all your files as well, and then overwrite all files on your server with the ones from a coppermine package (upgrade to cpg1.2.1 recommended). See the documentation that comes with the coppermine package for details/full instructions.



my gallery is now screwed :cry: , i dunno what to do, i tried do it and i think i stuffed it up, dont know how to do ..... :?  :cry:

Joachim Müller

the documentation says to backup before upgrading, so you'll just have to restore your backup. What exactly is your problem? The link your provided in your first posting shows error 500, which means: wrong server config, or corrupt files. Get a fresh copy of the coppermine package, and upload it again. Make sure to use the right ftp modes during upload.



im sorry. i thin my major problem is i dont know how to use the infomation  from text file to put in the the php my admin progam which is built in to the 50free site

Joachim Müller

how to restore a backup: this topic is usually covered in the documentation that comes with phpMyAdmin, but anyway: unzip the file you have, open the uncompressed file with a text editor, start phpMyAdmin, choose your database (if applicalbe), click on "SQL" in the navigation bar of phpMyAdmin, paste your dump back into the text box, click "Go". Note: if you have a large gallery, you'll have to paste smaller bits of the dump back into the query field of phpMyAdmin. If the tables already exist, you'll get an error saying so.

The fact that your page is brokne in the browser is not a result of a broken database though: like I said: it's an internal server error!



Quotestart phpMyAdmin, choose your database (if applicalbe), click on "SQL" in the navigation bar of phpMyAdmin, paste your dump back into the text box, click "Go

i can do that, ut all i get back is

Database rapid_db running on

SQL-query :  

CREATE TABLE `cpg11d_albums` (

`aid` int( 11 ) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT ,
`title` varchar( 255 ) NOT NULL default '',
`description` text NOT NULL ,
`visibility` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`uploads` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'NO',
`comments` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'YES',
`votes` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'YES',
`pos` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`category` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`pic_count` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`thumb` int( 11 ) NOT NULL default '0',
`last_addition` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
`stat_uptodate` enum( 'YES', 'NO' ) NOT NULL default 'NO',
PRIMARY KEY ( `aid` ) ,
KEY `alb_category` ( `category` )

MySQL said:

#1044 - Access denied for user: 'rapid_db@' to database 'rapid_db'

QuoteNote: if you have a large gallery, you'll have to paste smaller bits of the dump back into the query field of phpMyAdmin. If the tables already exist, you'll get an error saying so.

 i dont understand how to do the above, theres too many fields to fill in :?

what shall i do with the sever part wait or get a new one??

ps hey gaugau i would like to thank you for being so helpful :wink:

much appreciated 8)

Joachim Müller

now this is news - access denied means it's a permission problem with the mySQL database. I suggest you check two files:
Are the same data in both files used to access the database (username, database name, password). If yes, you should contact your webhost, since you seem to not have enough permissions - maybe they changed permissions without notifying you. If you're self-hosted, you'll at least know the server-admin (go to the bathroom and look in the mirror :wink: ).



Quote from: "gaugau"http://yourdomain.tld/coppermine_folder/include/
this one shows me
// Coppermine configuration file

// MySQL configuration
$CONFIG['dbserver'&#93; =                         "";
$CONFIG['dbuser'&#93; =                         "r_db";
$CONFIG['dbpass'&#93; =                         "XXXXXXXXXXXX";
$CONFIG['dbname'&#93; =                         "r_db";    

$CONFIG['TABLE_PREFIX'&#93; =                "cpg11d_";

but im not too sure how to check this one  :?
