There was an error while processing a database query. There was an error while processing a database query.


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There was an error while processing a database query.

Started by crazycordy, July 28, 2012, 02:17:36 AM

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A couple of days ago, I moved my site to a different user on the same account.  This only changed the absolute path to files, but I updated everything with the new includes and everything's been fine for almost a week.

Today, when viewing my gallery ( this error message was on the front page, and it shows up whether I'm logged in or not.

QuoteThere was an error while processing a database query.

While executing query 'SELECT title, r.description, keyword, category, aid, alb_hits, visibility, r.thumb, r.owner
        FROM cpg15x_categories AS c
        INNER JOIN cpg15x_albums AS r ON r.category = c.cid
        WHERE c.depth BETWEEN 0 + 1 AND 0 + 1
ORDER BY r.pos, r.aid' in index.php on line 379

mySQL error: Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_770b_0.MYD' (Errcode: 17)

In debug mode, this is what showed up:

    [ID] => d180e37ce34600286d38da4171d601f7
    [am] => 1
    [lang] => english
    [liv_a] => Array
            [0] => 81
            [1] => 6
            [2] => 21
            [3] => 142
            [4] => 141

    [liv] => Array
            [0] => 3379
            [1] => 11591
            [2] => 11588
            [3] => 11596
            [4] => 11605

    [theme] => enticing

    [user_id] => 1
    [user_name] => admin
    [groups] => Array
            [0] => 1

    [disk_max] => 0
    [disk_min] => 0
    [can_rate_pictures] => 1
    [can_send_ecards] => 1
    [can_post_comments] => 1
    [can_upload_pictures] => 1
    [can_create_albums] => 1
    [has_admin_access] => 1
    [access_level] => 3
    [pub_upl_need_approval] => 0
    [priv_upl_need_approval] => 0
    [group_name] => Administrators
    [can_create_public_albums] => 0
    [group_quota] => 0
    [can_see_all_albums] => 1
    [group_id] => 1
    [allowed_albums] => Array


    [0] => SELECT name, value FROM cpg15x_config [include/] (5 ms)
    [1] => SELECT * FROM cpg15x_plugins ORDER BY priority [include/] (0 ms)
    [2] => SELECT user_id, time FROM `emmacaulfield`.cpg15x_sessions WHERE session_id = '483769fc3d498b80157f9a1a355c5797' [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [3] => SELECT user_id, user_password FROM `emmacaulfield`.cpg15x_users WHERE user_id = 1 [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [4] => SELECT u.user_id AS id, u.user_name AS username, user_password AS password, u.user_group AS group_id FROM `emmacaulfield`.cpg15x_users AS u LEFT JOIN `emmacaulfield`.cpg15x_usergroups AS g ON u.user_group=g.group_id WHERE u.user_id='1' [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [5] => SELECT user_group_list FROM `emmacaulfield`.cpg15x_users AS u WHERE user_id='1' AND user_group_list <> '' [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [6] => SELECT MAX(group_quota) AS disk_max, MIN(group_quota) AS disk_min, MAX(can_rate_pictures) AS can_rate_pictures, MAX(can_send_ecards) AS can_send_ecards, MAX(can_post_comments) AS can_post_comments, MAX(can_upload_pictures) AS can_upload_pictures, MAX(can_create_albums) AS can_create_albums, MAX(has_admin_access) AS has_admin_access, MAX(access_level) AS access_level, MIN(pub_upl_need_approval) AS pub_upl_need_approval, MIN( priv_upl_need_approval) AS  priv_upl_need_approval FROM cpg15x_usergroups WHERE group_id in (1) [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [7] => SELECT group_name FROM cpg15x_usergroups WHERE group_id= 1 [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [8] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg15x_categorymap WHERE group_id in (1) [bridge/] (0 ms)
    [9] => SELECT lang_id FROM cpg15x_languages WHERE enabled='YES' [include/] (3 ms)
    [10] => SELECT user_favpics FROM cpg15x_favpics WHERE user_id = 1 [include/] (2 ms)
    [11] => DELETE FROM cpg15x_mod_online WHERE last_action < NOW() - INTERVAL 10 MINUTE [plugins/onlinestats/codebase.php:122] (0 ms)
    [12] => REPLACE INTO cpg15x_mod_online (user_id, user_name, user_ip, last_action) VALUES ('1', 'admin', '', NOW()) [plugins/onlinestats/codebase.php:125] (0 ms)
    [13] => DELETE FROM cpg15x_banned WHERE expiry < '2012-07-27 17:07:50' [include/] (0 ms)
    [14] => SELECT null FROM cpg15x_banned WHERE (user_id=1 OR '' LIKE ip_addr ) AND brute_force=0 LIMIT 1 [include/] (0 ms)
    [15] => SELECT name, description, thumb FROM cpg15x_categories WHERE cid = 1 [index.php:268] (0 ms)
    [16] => SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(p.aid)) AS alb_count, COUNT(*) AS pic_count
        FROM cpg15x_albums AS a
        INNER JOIN cpg15x_pictures AS p ON p.aid = a.aid
        WHERE a.category > 10000
        AND approved = 'YES' [index.php:292] (6 ms)
    [17] => SELECT name, description, cid, thumb, depth, lft
        FROM cpg15x_categories AS c
        WHERE depth BETWEEN 0 + 1 AND 0 + 1
ORDER BY c.lft [index.php:316] (1 ms)
    [18] => SELECT category, COUNT(*) AS num
        FROM cpg15x_albums AS a
        INNER JOIN cpg15x_categories ON cid = category
        WHERE depth BETWEEN 0 + 1 AND 0 + 1
GROUP BY category ORDER BY NULL [index.php:358] (0 ms)
    [19] => SELECT title, r.description, keyword, category, aid, alb_hits, visibility, r.thumb, r.owner
        FROM cpg15x_categories AS c
        INNER JOIN cpg15x_albums AS r ON r.category = c.cid
        WHERE c.depth BETWEEN 0 + 1 AND 0 + 1
ORDER BY r.pos, r.aid [index.php:379] (1 ms)
    [20] => SELECT COUNT(*) FROM cpg15x_pictures WHERE approved = 'NO' [include/] (0 ms)
    [21] => SELECT lang_id, abbr FROM cpg15x_languages WHERE available='YES' AND enabled='YES' [include/] (0 ms)
    [22] => SELECT message FROM cpg15x_temp_messages  WHERE message_id = 'b68ae576c25fc137455e7f970d33c6b8' LIMIT 1 [include/] (0 ms)
    [23] => DELETE FROM cpg15x_temp_messages WHERE message_id = 'b68ae576c25fc137455e7f970d33c6b8' [include/] (0 ms)
    [24] => DELETE FROM cpg15x_temp_messages WHERE time < 1343430470 [include/] (0 ms)

    [message_id] => b68ae576c25fc137455e7f970d33c6b8
    [message_icon] => success


    [a87f3a72cfe04436ed683539a6fb692f] => d2fe686758c4ed5dfec31323c7da978a
    [cpg15x_data] => YTo2OntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiJkMTgwZTM3Y2UzNDYwMDI4NmQzOGRhNDE3MWQ2MDFmNyI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO3M6NDoibGFuZyI7czo3OiJlbmdsaXNoIjtzOjU6Imxpdl9hIjthOjU6e2k6MDtpOjgxO2k6MTtpOjY7aToyO2k6MjE7aTozO2k6MTQyO2k6NDtpOjE0MTt9czozOiJsaXYiO2E6NTp7aTowO3M6NDoiMzM3OSI7aToxO3M6NToiMTE1OTEiO2k6MjtzOjU6IjExNTg4IjtpOjM7czo1OiIxMTU5NiI7aTo0O3M6NToiMTE2MDUiO31zOjU6InRoZW1lIjtzOjg6ImVudGljaW5nIjt9
    [sC] => 16a23c2b007f271f7c5b4f78ad875077
    [wordpress_logged_in_d653be7d22437d572eee7bbcd330318d] => admin|1344545122|caf2879e293acd907fb7cadbafa68401
    [wp-settings-1] => editor=html&wplink=1&mfold=o&align=none&urlbutton=none
    [wp-settings-time-1] => 1342830462
    [__utma] => 190128575.352794958.1342057708.1343424717.1343427244.27
    [__utmz] => 190128575.1342790375.2.2.utmcsr=google|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=emma caulfield fansite

PHP version        5.2.17     OK   
MySQL version      5.1.53-log OK   
Coppermine version 1.5.20     stable

Module: GD
Exact version                    2.0.34                     
GD Version                       bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
FreeType Support                 1                         
FreeType Linkage                 with freetype             
T1Lib Support                                               
GIF Read Support                 1                         
GIF Create Support               1                         
JPG Support                      1                         
PNG Support                      1                         
WBMP Support                     1                         
XPM Support                                                 
XBM Support                      1                         
JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support                           

Key config settings
charset              utf-8                                                   
allow_private_albums 1                                                       
cookie_name          cpg15x                                                 
cookie_path          /                                                       
lang                 english                                                 
main_page_layout     breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/random,2/lastup,2/onlinestats
silly_safe_mode      0                                                       
theme                enticing                                               
thumb_method         im                                                     

Name           Who is online?                                                               
Actions        plugin_install, page_start, plugin_uninstall, plugin_cleanup, plugin_configure
Filters        plugin_block                                                                 

Server restrictions
file_uploads             1                                           
include_path             .:/usr/local/lib/php:/usr/local/php5/lib/pear
allow_url_fopen          1                                           
max_execution_time       30                                           
max_input_time           60                                           
upload_max_filesize      7M                                           
post_max_size            8M                                           
memory_limit             90M                                                                                 

Page (performance)
Parameter        Current  Peak   
Memory usage     4.71 MiB 6.62 MiB
Page generation  149 ms   149 ms 
Page query time  18 ms    18 ms   
Page query count 25       25     


I have no idea what the problem might be, because everything's been working and I've even updated the gallery over the last week with no problems.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thank you :)

Jeff Bailey

Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few engage in it. - Henry Ford