how to pull current url in theme.php how to pull current url in theme.php


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how to pull current url in theme.php

Started by metal13, August 17, 2013, 11:05:47 AM

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i want to add Facebook comments on my images but i cant find the code for current url... i did search btw but none worked.. tried the social sharing plugin too but i cant reposition it to where i want..
code for current image id would also do the trick..

i think its in the rules to post your gallery's url first before you get any support but mine is NSFW..   ;D ..... :-[



Depending on where you added your current Facebook code, the approach is different. So please post what you've done so far and where.


its on the image itself..
i got it to display
[site]displayimage.php?pid=[ but no image number ]

i deleted the code because it wasn't working.. so i cant really post it..
all i need is the image number code to showup on the comment section..


As there are already several threads and even ready mods and plugins, I suggest to have a look at them again. I don't want to start from scratch if possible.


I always search before i post.. i didnt find any code that works..
anyways ill search again and post it here maybe you could help me make it work..

Best code i found..

i tried that but the "pid" doesn't work..

this is my comment code in theme.php

if (!isset($template_add_your_comment)) { //{THEMES}
** Section <<<$template_add_your_comment>>> - START
$template_add_your_comment = <<<EOT
<div class="forabg" style="margin-right: 1px;">
  <div class="inner"> <span class="corners-top"><span></span></span>
<ul class="topiclist">
  <li class="header">
<dl class="icon">
          <dt style="width: 100%;">&nbsp;</dt>
<ul class="topiclist forums">
<li class="row bg1">
<dl class="icon">
          <dd style="width: 100%;">
        <form method="post" name="post" id="post" action="db_input.php">
                <table align="center" width="{WIDTH}" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="maintable">
                                        <td width="100%" class="tableh2">{ADD_YOUR_COMMENT}{HELP_ICON}</td>
                <td colspan="1">
                        <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<!-- BEGIN user_name_input -->
                                        <input type="text" class="textinput" name="msg_author" size="10" maxlength="20" value="{USER_NAME}" onclick="if (this.value == '{DEFAULT_USERNAME}') this.value = '';" onkeyup="if (this.value == '{DEFAULT_USERNAME}') this.value = '';" />
<!-- END user_name_input -->
<!-- BEGIN input_box_smilies -->
                                <td width="100%">
                                <input type="text" class="textinput" id="message" name="msg_body" onselect="storeCaret_post(this);" onclick="storeCaret_post(this);" onkeyup="storeCaret_post(this);" maxlength="{MAX_COM_LENGTH}" style="width: 100%;" />
<!-- END input_box_smilies -->
<!-- BEGIN input_box_no_smilies -->
                                <td width="100%">
                                <input type="text" class="textinput" id="message" name="msg_body"  maxlength="{MAX_COM_LENGTH}" style="width: 100%;" />
<!-- END input_box_no_smilies -->
<!-- BEGIN submit -->
                                <input type="hidden" name="event" value="comment" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="{PIC_ID}" />
                                <button type="submit" class="button" name="submit" value="{OK}"  onclick="return notDefaultUsername(this.form, '{DEFAULT_USERNAME}', '{DEFAULT_USERNAME_MESSAGE}');">{OK_ICON}{OK}</button>
                                <input type="hidden" name="form_token" value="{FORM_TOKEN}" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="timestamp" value="{TIMESTAMP}" />
<!-- END submit -->
<!-- BEGIN comment_captcha -->
                                <td colspan="2">
                                <td colspan="2">
                                  <input type="text" name="confirmCode" size="5" maxlength="5" class="textinput" />
                                  <img src="captcha.php" align="middle" border="0" alt="" />
<!-- END comment_captcha -->
<!-- BEGIN smilies -->
                <td width="100%">
<!-- END smilies -->
<!-- BEGIN login_to_comment -->
                                <td colspan="2">
<!-- END login_to_comment -->
    <span class="corners-bottom"><span></span></span> </div>
** Section <<<$template_add_your_comment>>> - END
} //{THEMES}


To get the picture ID, try


Like this? i tried to change the code and place but none worked

i got this on the live site btw..


You cannot embed into an EOT block. Instead, add something like
$pid = $superCage->get->getInt('pid');
above it and then use