Additional ImageMagick Functions / command line Additional ImageMagick Functions / command line


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Additional ImageMagick Functions / command line

Started by itrends, October 16, 2004, 06:14:24 PM

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Hey all.

First up, I have searched extensivley the current forum posts here and have not found the answer I need.

Secondly my gallery has been working fine for a year or two and I just put the new version up. its working great at

I am now in a position whereby I wish to add a watermark. WAIT! I know that there are threads about this and that they are linked from the FAQ etc.

The ways in which they are being done are not what I am after.

I wish to annotate text onto the bottom right of my images. All of them.

I dont mind if this is a batch file i run or if it is done in the process of uploading. of course it shouldnt be done more than once on an image. etc

I have found this resource for ways in which to annotate using the imagemagick command line

Which is great.

There is an option in the config screen to add additional command paremeters. how extensively can this be used? I wish to use

   convert dragon_faerie.jpg \
           -fill '#00000080' -draw 'rectangle 5,130,114,145' \
           -fill white       -draw "text 10,143 'Faerie Dragon'" \

If possible, but it never seems to work once put into this area. I have tried ways such as this

-antialias -fill '#00000080' -draw 'rectangle 5,130,114,145' -fill white -draw "text 10,143 'Faerie Dragon'"

But of course this is not working. :-(

If it is not possible to do it in this area of the config, then is there a way to code it straight into the php file? I cant find the right file to do this in. I tried searching for "convert" etc through the files, but nothing stands out as being the one i need to modify.

If anyone can shed some light or information on how I could incorporate such commands that would be great. And preferably not having to start buggering about with making wm.php, created a watermark, etc etc. I just wish to write text.

Maybe I am just formating it wrong for the config area with the additional imagemagick commands?

I look forward to any information. And as I said, I have already read through almost every post on the forum to date about watermarking etc. The hacks that are provided are not what i am after



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