CPG 1.4.1 -batch upload issue with mulitple albums of same name CPG 1.4.1 -batch upload issue with mulitple albums of same name


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CPG 1.4.1 -batch upload issue with mulitple albums of same name

Started by Castro Equestrian, October 06, 2005, 05:34:38 PM

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Castro Equestrian

Ok.  This is my first post and I hope I am not repeating something already covered.  Here is the problem...

I photograph horse shows, and I have set up my gallery something like this...    *=catagorys  /=albums

   *show date1
      *riding style1
         /Class 1
         /Class 2
         /Class 3
   *show date2
      *riding style1
         /Class 1
         /Class 2
         /Class 3

The peoblem I am having is when I go to do a batch upload you only see the last (2) levels (like *riding style & /Class 1), so *club2's album, /Class 1, is not available to upload to.  I am not having any problems creating the structure; Just in batch uploading to the albums.  Yes I know the simplest answer is to not have the same name albums, however here is a real world lay out.  The horse shows lay out their shows by class so it has to be that way.

         /Class 1
         /Class 2
         /Class 3
         /Class 1
         /Class 2
         /Class 3

I have tested this with blank catagories and default album (New Album) and the best I could ever get was it showing the last catagory and both albums like they were in the same catagory instead of being in two different catagories.

Any suggestions? How hard is it to fix the batch upload, which works great otherwise, to show (3) or (4) levels deep, or even the whole path. (Catagory1/subcatagory1/subcatagory2/subcatagory3/Album1)

Castro Equestrian

Joachim Müller

not an actual bug report, but rather a request for another feature imo.

Castro Equestrian

Ok then, I am requesting that the batch upload feature actually allow you to upload to ANY album in your gallery.  Call it what you want, "imo" it is an oversite; not one that many people would run in to.  It probably is the indirect result of making the Batch Upload look clean, should be a simple fix.

GauGau - > I meen no disrespect to you or the program but I have done my fair share of programming and while I am not up to date with PHP, nor have the time to learn it, I do understand how these things happen. 

Joachim Müller

Castro Equestrian


Castro Equestrian,

I'm a little confused here.  I have different categories, but each category has album(s) that share the same name as other categories.  I have no problem batch adding to these different albums.

I guess, what I am asking is:  "Are you refering to your website's file structure in your Coppermine/Albums directory where you physically upload your files and not your Coppermine gallery's category and album setup that visitors see?

If we are talking about the physical layout of your website's upload folders, then you may want to try removing the spaces in the folder names using an underscore in its place to see if that will make a difference.  Or try the other "Browsable interface (recommended)" 'no' option.


Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Castro Equestrian on October 07, 2005, 11:22:34 PM
I guess "out of sight out of mind".
No, rather "feature freeze for cpg1.4.x". We won't add new features to cpg1.4.x, because the language files would then have to be modified.


Since a picture is worth 100 words:


I would say it's a bug since what's in the batch add drop-down, is not representative of the real structure of the gallery.


Apparently, like parent categories, subcategories cannot share the same name.  It confuses the drop down list for the albums.

Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.


Quote from: madeinhawaii on October 09, 2005, 11:11:15 PM
Apparently, like parent categories, subcategories cannot share the same name.  It confuses the drop down list for the albums.
Then it should either be fixed or at least added a warning in the help...


Quote from: Titooy on October 10, 2005, 01:28:59 PM
Then it should either be fixed or at least added a warning in the help...

Just for sake of trying.  I repeated the category/subcategory/album bit on 1.35 and it does something similar, although not quite the same.  If two or more subcats share the same name, the subcat title no longer appears on the drop down list. All you see are the album names. So in the instance above you would see something like:


Which would make it very difficult to determine what subcat/cat they belonged to.

Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.



Quote from: Titooy on October 11, 2005, 10:25:33 AM
Maybe this should be moved back to the Bugs forum then ;)

Oooh, ahhh, eee, ah... mmmm...   I'm leaning more towards a feature request. Primarily because Categories weren't designed to have the same name and the sub-cats in 1.4x are really just 'Categories' placed into 'categories'. And you can work around it by changing the names of the subcats a bit.   But, I can see a need to address this in the docs, and can see how others, though a minority,  might want to have this feature in the future.

Maybe someone will come up with a mod/hack for it along the way.


Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.

Joachim Müller

I agree: it's not a bug, but a feature request. In the future, we should have a function that generates a dynamic dropdown field (with some Ajax magic) that can return any album list needed in all places. Marking this thread as "valid" so it doesn't get forgotten once we start working on cpg1.5.x

Castro Equestrian

I would like to thank you all for at least taking the time to visit this issue.  After receiveing GauGau's intial responce I was ticked to say the least.  While I find the logic of "...you can work around it so it is not a bug..." ridiculous, I must also admit that only a small number of people might encounter this bug and it is certainly not a program crippling bug.

If anyone has any more questions about this matter feel free to email me:



Quote from: Castro Equestrian on October 12, 2005, 05:05:23 PM
While I find the logic of "...you can work around it so it is not a bug..." ridiculous,

I'm sorry, but I don't think I said it quite that way.  I simply stated the facts. My intent was simply to test your original thesis with both versions, 1.3 and 1.4,  of Coppermine and try to present an objective assessment, explanation, as well as a work around.  I also wanted to pinpoint where the issue might lay so that your concern might be addressed in future versions of CPG.  I appologize if my writing was misleading, but did I feel that your issue warranted a deeper inspection or I wouldn't have bothered going through all the steps.

Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.