Problems with search function after upgrading - please help Problems with search function after upgrading - please help


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Problems with search function after upgrading - please help

Started by mboesen, December 07, 2005, 08:44:28 AM

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I have just updated to CPG 1.4.2, because I was having some problems uploading pictures (found a thread to solve that...unable to resize.....) and thought that I might as well upgrade to the newest version.

Now I have a serious problem since the SEARCH FUNCTION doesn't work. If I choose SEARCH I get the page saying that the server can't be found. Even more serious is that all my links from my Photosite is linked to Coppermine by the serach function and now it just times out and no pictures appear.

I will be very happy for some very quick help, since this problem totally messed up my photosite.

Coppermine is used on, where you can enter the database or go directly to search (when it worked)

And all the links that are messed up are on under SENESTE OPGAVER

PLEASE HELP ME ?!?!?!?!?

Have I done something wrong during the update and would it help if I updated again? Or is there some other solution. I hope you understand my problem or please have a look at the links, so you can see what I mean!

Thanks in advance

Ps. I might as well say sorry already, if this is not the correct forum, if there is a thread already (have looked and search without finding anything useful) etc....... Have been bashed already once cause I entered this in the wrong thread - still didn't solve my problem.

Joachim Müller

make sure that the file is not corrupt. Re-upload it from a fresh package.


Hello GauGau

I just downloaded a new package and uploaded the following files


and in the include folder

But still the same result. When I hit the search, the site times out or just comes up with the standard white page saying that the page can't be shown.

When I hit the links from looking like this I just get a "No Image To Display"

Should I run the UPDATE again after uploading the new files or could that result in more errors? Or should I upload the whole package again and run another UPDATE? Would that help?

Thanks for your time and otherwise a great program



Just a crazy suggestion... try renaming the search.php to something else. Like find.php. Just guessing maybe the server doesn't like the name, like some don't like config or whatever.


Just tried your suggestion, but same result  :-\ But thanks anyway!


I just did the whole update again and during the versioncheck I got the following

Total files/folders checked:  248 
Mandatory files missing:  0 
Optional files missing:  0 
Files left over from outdated Coppermine version:  1 
Outdated file versions:  1 

Seems to be the following files

Wouldn't expect them to be the problem

So it seems that everything should have been done correctly.

BUT the search still don't work  ???

Could it be some settings on my server that is wrong? There wasn't any problems before I updated  ???


Is there nobody else who have experienced this problem? That the search function doesn't work at all

It would be nice to know, since if everybody else who is running 1.4.2 is not having any problem, then it most be my server, but if others is having the same problem, then it might be the programme.


When you send the searchterm in the url like that it only searches through the title, caption and description fields. Since the searchterm you are using is only to be found in the filename there is no result. Edit include/, find

if (!isset($USER['search']['params'])){
        $USER['search']['params']['title'] = $USER['search']['params']['caption'] = $USER['search']['params']['keywords'] = 1;

change to

if (!isset($USER['search']['params'])){
        $USER['search']['params']['title'] = $USER['search']['params']['caption'] = $USER['search']['params']['keywords'] = $USER['search']['params']['filename'] = 1;

That should fix it.


Hello Nibbler

Did what you said, but still "NO IMAGES TO DISPLAY"

It seems that something else is wrong, cause if you go to my database and hit the search buttom, then I get the following error page (ok, its in danish, but you probably know it  ;) )
Siden kan ikke vises (The page can not be viewed etc....)
Den side, du søger efter, er ikke tilgængelig. Der kan være tekniske problemer på webstedet, eller det kan være nødvendigt at ændre webbrowserindstillingerne.


Prøv følgende:

Klik på knappen  Opdater, eller prøv igen senere.

Hvis du har skrevet sidens adresse i adresselinjen, skal du kontrollere, at adressen er skrevet korrekt.

Hvis du vil kontrollere forbindelsesindstillingerne, skal du klikke på menuen Funktioner og derefter klikke på Internetindstillinger. Klik på Indstillinger under fanen Forbindelser. Indstillingerne skal svare til dem, der blev leveret af administratoren af lokalnetværket (LAN) eller  blablabla.......


The same page you get when a site is down or not there!

I have never had a problem before and I now have more than 4000 images with over 40000 views, so it has worked. But I of cause don't know if my host (web) has updated PHP, Apache or whatever. Could than be the problem and not the program itself. It is strange that the database works except the search function  ???


Is there really nobody who can help me, please?

I really need to get my gallery up and running again. I know that this is freeware (or wahtever it is called) and I do appreciate the work you do on this otherwise excellent piece of software. But if my links and the search feature doesn't work (same thing in my case) then it is not much use to me.

Would I be better off downgrading again and if I do so do I have to upload my photos again (more than 4000) or should I delete it all and install it all over. Would I still be able to use all the photos that I have already uploaded?

And to my last alternative, can anyone recommend other programs that do the same (also the ones I have to pay for)? I have been rrying to search the internet and  the only alternative I came up with is Gallery, but I really would like to continue with Coppermine.


I guess there is no help to get on this subject.

Could anyone then tell me what will happen if I upload all the files again and choose install instead of update. Will it be able to use the images already uploaded (more than 4000)?


Can the problem be that my PHP is running in safe mode? Or that I haven't converted the database? Event though I wouldn't think so, since it is the search function/page that won't show?

I didn't want to downgrade, just choose install instead of update. Still 1.4.x


I have now installed a brand new version of CPG 1.4.2 and after replacing the Danish Language file it works fine even the search function. Ok, there is no photos yet, but the screen turns up. Thats a first  ;)

Now my question i scan I somehow move all the photos from my old database to the new one, so I don't have to upload it all again and all my data (visits and views) gets lost?

Or is there somehow I can take the new installed version and copy certain files to the old one, so the search function will work and my database is functional again.

"Old" and updated version, where the search won't work:

Newly installed version, that seems to work, but there are stil lno photos uploaded:

Thx in advance!



It almost looks like your server is timing out before it can display the search page.
Did you try turning off the "Enable clickable keywords in search" feature in General Settings
in the CONFIG panel?

Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.


Hello Dennis

THANK YOU, finally something that got me alittle further  :D

Now the search page turns up, but it is still the one where you can choose the different search categories. Is that right?

AND the search doesn't entirely work. It has a problem using the "special" danish characters (æ,ø,å) and don't find anything and secondly my links from my site is based on a search on the filename i.e. "204-01" and that don't show up either.

I tried to emplement the code that Nibbler suggests earlier in this thread, but it doesn't seem to work  ???

Any suggestions?


Now the search page turns up, but it is still the one where you can choose the different search categories. Is that right?

AND the search doesn't entirely work. It has a problem using the "special" danish characters (æ,ø,å) and don't find anything and secondly my links from my site is based on a search on the filename i.e. "204-01" and that don't show up either.

Looks like the right search form. I tried those special characters and hyphenated numbers on my setup and my search function worked fine, I'll have to dig a little deeper here to try to figure out what could be different with your set up.

Meanwhile, you may want to try the following from nibbler to fix the keyword issue.

QuoteIn include/


if (!in_array(strtolower($word),$keywords_array)) $keywords_array[] = $word;

if (!in_array($word = strtolower($word),$keywords_array)) $keywords_array[] = $word;

Once you apply the above, try re-enabling search by keyword in CONFIG.
Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.


Hi Dennis

Once again you were right. The keywords is enabled and it works, thanks!

My search/link which is based on the following still don't work :( This is a search string from the previous version, so maybe it just has to looked different? And the special charactors doesn't work either. The funny thing is that the special charactors turns up in the keywords list, but when clicking it I just get "No images to display". In this new version I can't see the search string at all. When I search something and the result pops up, I only see i.e. - ok, I see the string when hitting a keyword ??? Is there anyway that I can make a link from my site that produces certain photos and preferably on a part of the filename as done before.

Look forward to hearing from you when you hopefully get it figured out. Thanks again for your time!!!

Best regards, Michael


I uploaded that pic to my own gallery and the search string you used works fine. It must be a problem specific to your setup.


I concur with Nibbler,

All foreign characters work in my search.  You may want to try swapping out search.php, thumbnails.php, with fresh copies of the same files.

Learn and live ... In January of 2011, after a botched stent attempt, the doctors told me I needed a multiple bypass surgery or I could die.  I told them I needed new doctors.