Full-Size & Intermediate Photos Access Control - Page 2 Full-Size & Intermediate Photos Access Control - Page 2


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Full-Size & Intermediate Photos Access Control

Started by Paver, December 12, 2005, 07:06:32 PM

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OK, I did that, and I see the existing plug-ins, i.e. sample and SEF, but the new one is not visible and therefore I cannot click on the " I " to install it.



For the record .....

I had to create a subfolder caled control_fullsize and then I could install it. The button apeared on the admin bar and all is hunky-dory

Very cool ...... no brainer

Now I shall test it.....

- Scotty -


Besides creating the folder yourself and manually unzipping the plugin to the correct place, you can also use the BROWSE button on the plugin manager to point to the zip file wherever it is, then use the UPLOAD button to have Coppermine automagically unzip the package and put all the files in the correct place.

Ah, I was going to point to the place in the documentation, but then realized (or remembered reading before) that plugin documentation doesn't exist yet.  I think I can contribute to that sometime.  Time to start a new thread to ask if anyone else has started on this...


Anyway my friend, your effort works marvelously! Thank you.

Please feel free to test it (and other CPG stuff) at my site if you wish.

The link is http://www.pdistudios.com/cpg143/index.php


- Graham -

(now I wonder how to stop the XP balloons from blabbing file info on mouse hover.... *sigh* )


this seems like such a sill question but, i downloaded the zip file, extracted it and then dumped the extracted files into my plugins folder in coppermine. Now i have no idea where the configure panel is for it. I looked in the "config" panel withing my photo album but it doesn't seem to be there. Need help.



On the config page, under general settings, there's a Yes/No Enable Plugins choice, with a link to "Manage Plugins" next to it.  From the plugin manager you can install new plugins that aren't in the plugins folder yet by clicking Browse, pointing to the zip file, then clicking upload.  Coppermine will upzip the package, create the folder and move the files in there.


First of all, let me say, excellent idea for a plugin, i've been waiting for a simple way to do it for some time now.
I downloaded, unzipped, uploaded & installed your plugin in coppermine.
But I cannot get it to work for the love of god.
I set the groups that can view pics to 'Registered' only, but i was still able to view them when logged out.
Is there something i'm missing ?
BTW, i'm running the MiniCPG & Multiline-comments plugins on a CPG 1.4.3(stable).


I just tested things out and my plugin works on my installation fine.  When you're logged out, your user group is "Guests" or whatever you named the Guest/Anonymous group and as long as you don't have that group checked off in my plugin configuration, you shouldn't be able to access the full-size photos.

Make sure you refresh the page after you log out.  Maybe your web browser cached the page and is showing you the old one from when you were logged in.

At first I read your post incorrectly and thought it wasn't working for certain members even though you had Registered checked off.  Here's what I typed when I thought that (and include here in case this information is useful for someone):

The Registered group is actually not a special group at all.  Each user has to be a member of this Registered group; it's not an automatic behind-the-scenes thing.  So usually (and by default) each user has a primary group of "Registered" and then you set the secondary groups to be any other ones.  If you changed the primary group to something other than "Registered", then that user cannot be a member of the Registered group as secondary group - so I guess the "Registered" group is special only in that it cannot be listed as a secondary group.

So ideally, set each user to Registered for the primary and add the other groups as secondary memberships.  You can mass-apply secondary group membership to multiple users on the group manager page using the "With Selected" drop-down box - very useful!


Paver, I'm REALLY Sorry Did not realize your post @ mine topic... I've had ask DJMaze to fix mine first comment then download problem for me.. And I had already payed him.. But untill 2day still no answer from him..

2night I'm going to try your add on and wil test it! Thanks in advance.


I've set-up the plugin exactly als you told me to, as you can see from the screenshot :

but still, as an unregistered, not-logged-in visitor, i can still see the full size pictures.

My groups config is below :

I've tried lots of different settings, but none make it so that 'Anonymous/Guest' users cannot see the full size picture.
It doesn't have anything to do with the 'Assigned Albums', or am I wrong?


Roadster:  No problem.  As I said, it was easy to add your request to my plugin so I did.  If it works for you, that's great.  If not, let me know and I might be able to add something to my plugin.  No worries about pay.  It's great that you offered to pay for a mod.  That's very generous.


docgonzo:  Using your image URL, I went over to your site, and I think I figured out what the issue is.  (OK, it wouldn't have been that difficult to guess.)

My plugin removes the full-size pop-up link from the intermediate image on the display-image page.  If you don't have an intermediate image, then the full-size photo is used directly on the display-image page and my plugin is not applicable since there is no link for a full-size popup.

Others have mentioned controlling the intermediate image display as well, and I put that in the back of my head for future investigation.  The FAQ in the Coppermine documentation has used to have a simple hack to only show thumbnails to anonymous users and intermediate/full-size images to registered users.  It's a one-line hack to the displayimage.php script.  It used to be in the docs but I don't see it right now.  It's not ideal because it merely outputs an error when the displayimage.php script is loaded by an anonymous user.  Ideally, you shouldn't have the link on the thumbnails page to begin with.

If this describes your issue and you don't want to use the one-line hack (found somewhere - it's been mentioned at least once on the forums), then I guess wait to see if I add this control to my plugin.  I'll take a look at it today and do a feasibility analysis.

If this is not your issue, then let me know and we'll do some more troubleshooting.

By the way, there should be a blank line between the User Comment Yes/No and the checkbox for the "display notice".  In your screenshot there isn't and I just want to make sure that's not a theme issue where the line breaks are ignored.  If you modified my plugin_config form, that's fine.  If not, what theme are you using so I can look at that sometime.  If it's a custom theme, that's cool.  I'm just curious.


Ahh, forgot about that  :-[ I should have mentioned i don't use the full size pop-up :/
But I've had coppermine configged like this for such a long time, i had forgotten there even was a full size pop-up...
My excuses for that.

I'm not too happy about going in and hacking to only show thumbnails to anonymous users and intermediate/full-size images to registered users...
And if you've searched on my nickname, you would see that I've already been waiting a long time for this feature ;)
But I don't wanna rush you or anything, i've waited 2 years for this, so i'm not really in that big of a hurry.
(just wanted to make it more interesting to become a registered user)

I'm using a lighly modded version of the BlackBirch theme, only changed the position of the adminmenu and the bannerposition in template.html and my own banner
I didn't touch the plug-in, though.


docgonzo: It looks like what you're asking for can be done in your theme.php file.  Since you're only asking for a simple "registered or not" condition (instead of choosing groups that may change in the future), you can modify the thumbnail display in your theme.php to remove the link to the intermediate/full-size photo for those not logged in.  I assume you would want a tooltip/mouse hover message that says "Login/Register to see full-size photos' instead of the current tooltip with the filename/dimensions/etc (which would be good to remove since the filename would give people more of an idea how to bypass any checks you set up - then again, looking at the thumbnail image would give people who want to figure it out enough information to figure it out, so unless you are using random filenames for the thumbnails or using an .htaccess rule, you cannot stop people from manually typing in the address of the full-size photo - but I digress).

It doesn't look too difficult to add this control to my plugin as well.  I'll do something similar to modifying the theme variables & functions, but with the added configuration of groups and being able to disable & enable such a control programatically.

Would you like me to tell you how to modify your theme.php to do what you want?  It's more than a few steps but not too difficult.  Or do you want to just wait for the next version of the plugin?  I cannot promise a release date but I'm thinking it will be soon - i.e. a day or two - unless I get waylayed. 


Take your time Paver...
But i want to be able to add more user categories in the future, because i'm gonna work with multiple standalone photographers, and then the full sizepicture will matter, as that is the way they have to get it on the server...
So then my registered users would only be able to see the thulbnails and the intermediates, and the photographers would be able to see intermediate AND full size
I'm not in a rush...

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Paver on January 18, 2006, 04:51:15 PM
The FAQ in the Coppermine documentation has used to have a simple hack to only show thumbnails to anonymous users and intermediate/full-size images to registered users.  It's a one-line hack to the displayimage.php script.  It used to be in the docs but I don't see it right now.


docgonzo: Roger that.  We'll see what happens.  It's often a mystery to me when I do things, what with a baby's desires to contend with.    :D

GauGau: Gracias.  I thought I had seen it in the 1.4 docs but now I'm sure I overlooked the fact that I was looking at the 1.3 docs instead.  The new 1.4 theme system has made this particular hack moot and not preferrable for all the reasons hacks are not preferrable.  I'll search to see if anyone has posted about how to do this with a theme customization in 1.4 and if not, I'll post it (not here of course).


@Paver, I've installed the plugin last night... And you're the best!!

It works excellent!!! I've already send you a pm with a question..


You're welcome.  As I said in my reply to your PM, let's keep questions on the public boards.


First: Great mod! I installed the plugin and it works fine.

Now my question: When anonymous users hover over the intermediate picture they get a ALT/TITLE message that there is a full size picture but they are only able to see it when they're logged in. Is it possible to use a pop up window when clicking on the intermediate picture instead of the alt text?
I know how to make such a pop up but I don't get it to work with the plugin... I'm not very good when it comes to PHP so I don't know which code I have to replace etc.