Modpack with bridge support: PM, avatar, watermark, cropped/ sharpened thumbs... - Page 5 Modpack with bridge support: PM, avatar, watermark, cropped/ sharpened thumbs... - Page 5


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Modpack with bridge support: PM, avatar, watermark, cropped/ sharpened thumbs...

Started by Stramm, February 24, 2006, 01:34:35 PM

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why weird?? That's *nix permissions. To learn  more about that search the web. As webmaster it's always good to know how your webserver works ;) And it looks like you get all working now... good luck



I noticed that in the profile the users always have the offline statut. Is it normal ?
And in the profile I don't see the words location, interest... but i see the answer ?

Can you help me ?



the user status.... it's a feature I've introduced in the latest modpack for CPG 1.3. It relies on Nibbler's onlinestats. Since it's now a plugin for 1.4 I still think about either hardcoding the onlinestats mod into my modpack. The advantage you know... the online/ offline status in profile and buddy list. Everything is already prepared except the onlinestats mod/ plugin isn't added yet. Second problem I still think about is bridging compatibility...
So just turn off this feature (I even haven't described it in the docs... just in the thread for the 1.3 modpack you see how to enable it). --> remove the entry 'onlinestats' from config -> Album list view -> The content of the main page
instead you can try another undocumented feature ---> 'welcome' (prints a welcometext or anything you set on the mainpage... it's something like a spare anycontent block that's coded into index.php--> look there for it and modify the text to print [function welcometxt()]... it's a few ms faster than anycontent cause it doesn't need to include )

fixed the lil typo that prevented the additional profile info captions to display. Download the 1.4.4 v2 modpack again and reupload profile.php


Hi, i have an error. Im not sure if is about your modpack or is about the Cpg. i Have post it here:

Do you know something about it?


PD: your modpack and your themes are great, congratulations!!



Fixed. Thanks.

Now i have noticed another diferent error. The login form on the top of the page didnt work at all.
When i click the login button it sent me to the login page on the forum. There i can login, but i would like the form to work if is it possible.
Thanks again.


the modpack docs tell you not to enable this feature if you have a bridged coppermine... in that case you can use the loginform of your forum... or you rewrite the function (in to fit your needs


Thanks, sorry, i forgot that...  ::)

I dont know how to rewrite that, but dont worry, i think i could live without it :P


Got it working with subsilver theme. Had to make minor changes in some files.

Great job Stramm!

I was starting to get crazy analyzing the code looking after the part I had to change to add a watermark...
The only working mod for cpg1.4.4 was watermarking on the fly... which is not very nice to the server... XD

I'd like to suggest one more admin option on watermarking -> wheter to keep a copy of the original image or not. Saves lots of space on the server. :D


I've updated my fix in your other thread so that you can use the avatars... for all others. This is only needed if you use the bridge and have two different db users for your forum and coppermine.

modifying existing themes to work together with the modpack requires only 2-3 lil modifications. I think I've described that a few times in this and the old 1.4 modpack thread ;)
but I don't really understand what you need to know about the watermark code...

not having backup files isn't the best solution cause you can't undo watermarks. If you eg once need to rebuild your thumbs.... bad luck, without backup the watermark would sit on the thumbs then as well. If you change your layout and another watermark would simply look far better... won't work. But with a backup ... not a problem
Still it's only ~3-4 lines of code to add that config option


Stramm - I was searching for watermarking stuff BEFORE I decided to use your mod... XD
About undoing the watermark... I'm aware of all that. Still, major problem is that I lack server space, and will probably put some wallpaper category space, with some hi-res images.... :S
Anyways, no need to worry. I think I can find out how to do this... maybe you can gimme some pointers? XD

Oh, one more thing: I couldn't find the "Custom Thumb tool" on Files and Thumbnails Settings... I guess it was the only feature I didn't find.

Now I'll post a topic asking if there's a way to make flash files display full size on displayimage.php :P

Thx for everything!


the 'custom thumb tool' is new... just a few days old. Maybe you're not using the newest modpack version

if you don't want to make backups...
find in
if (!file_exists($orig) && $CONFIG['enable_watermark'] == '1' && ($CONFIG['which_files_to_watermark'] == 'both' || $CONFIG['which_files_to_watermark'] == 'original'))  {
// if copy of full_sized doesn't exist and if watermark enabled and if fullsized pic watermark=true -> then we need a backup
if (!copy($image, $orig))
                return false;
$work_image = $orig;

and remove (not tested)


Will check on the mod version, and not making backups.

Thanks again!


Quote from: Stramm on March 15, 2006, 03:03:08 PM
I've updated my fix in your other thread so that you can use the avatars... for all others. This is only needed if you use the bridge and have two different db users for your forum and coppermine.

Hey, thanks! Good news, i dont mind avatars, but its better to use them :D (and maybe users like them ;D)
What a fast answer!! :o
Do i need to restore the first fix or add the new code?

Yes, tested and everything is working fine now. :D

PD: could you help me with the login button? wich file i must edit and copy from SMF? I know i must edit the, but im not sure where to get the code to use on it.


@Stramm - just confirming - my version was outdated! That was it.
And about not making backups for watermarking... I analysed the code, and I guess that will work just fine.

I'm now having second thoughts on removing the backup since I'm thinking of making a quick watermark just now, and improving it later on... after I start my 3D graphics courses. XD


I don't know smf code so I can't help you much there. if you want to use the login form you should have a look at function loginForm in (or if it's defined in the theme you're using in it's theme.php)
Basically it's just a form that simulates the orig cpg login form.. so you'd just need to somehow copy the smf counterpart. This you can find if you just look at the source when the top login form is visible on a smf site

I consider the backup to be very useful :)



Hi there,

Just downloaded and installed CPG + bridgeModPack.

Installed CPG: good
Uploaded Modpack good
Run update.php: good
Run bridge wizzard (SMF 1.1 RC2 / w user groups): Good

Now if I click on an image to look at a picture it works fine, until I select "Yes" on the use watermark section. After that any time I try to look at a picture I CPG returns an error:

Critical error
There was an error while processing a database query

It keeps doing this even when I turn watermark back off! I've repeated this three times. It's always as soon as watermark (my main reason for using this mod) is turned on that view image goes screwy. It also seems to change the title of the thumb to Filename= and then the filename. Not sure if it's supposed to be like this.

Any ideas greatfully accepted!

System specs are as follows:

php 4.31
running on linux (centOs)

Stramm, I've emailed you a URL to show what I mean. Thanks! :)


check the config of the Watermark folder.

I had a lot of problem with that.


Do you mean the path in the CPG -> config -> Image Watermarking Menu?

Or is there a config file I haven't found yet..?