Colour scheme of pages Colour scheme of pages


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Colour scheme of pages

Started by wfs, October 19, 2006, 05:11:38 AM

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I'm using the classic theme.
I changed the background colour scheme to #FF9933 for certain pages thru the style.css.
It worked and I got the colours I wanted.

However, when I upgraded to cpg 1.49, my colours are gone. I got back instead the original grey colours.
I checked style.css - I still see the same #FF9933 codes there but I don't get it back the colours I want on browser screen.

I just wonder what happened.

can somebody pse explain what I need to do to get back my colours.



Did you create a copy of the classic theme to modify or did you modify the classic theme directly?  If you modified the classic theme directly, then an upgrade can overwrite your modifications since the classic theme is part of the core code.  So you should always create a copy of a core theme (with a new name) and modify the copy.

You said that you see the colors in style.css after upgrade so it sounds like your newly-upgraded gallery is not using that style.css, possibly due to an overwrite of template.html.

If you provide a link to your site and mention which theme you are using (whether "classic" or something else copied from classic), a supporter might be able to figure out what's going on.



I re-uploaded the style.css file and redone the colour scheme.
It works fine now.
