scale down tables _exif and _hit_stats scale down tables _exif and _hit_stats


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scale down tables _exif and _hit_stats

Started by sinti, January 14, 2007, 02:05:41 PM

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Hi there,

is there a way to scale down the two very big tables _exif and _hit_stats?

In my gallery I now have about 6000 pictures. And the procedure of making a backup of the database is getting harder and harder. My backup *.sql-file has now a size of about 45MB!

I'm thinking of something like deleting the exif-entries I'm not displaying anyway. After my fancy there is too much stored in this exif-table. Does anybody have an idea?


Joachim Müller

If you're not using EXIF, then turn it off (Config: Read EXIF data in JPEG files). If you're not using hit_stats, turn it off as well (Config: Keep detailed hit statistics). The documentation already says that turning those options on has an impact on performance and database size.


I know that. I know how to turn off.

I'm using EXIF! Mainly date, lens aperture, hight, width, shutter time, model and some other. But not the other stuff!

I'm really searching a way to scale down these tables, thats why i'm asking! Any other hints?



TRUNCATE your EXIF-Table every week, if you kept the original uploaded files.

I don't understand why EXIF-Data can't be read out of the file, every time the file is displayed. Writing it to the Database doesn't make any sence for me.



Reading it from the file every time it is viewed is not efficient.


Quote from: Nibbler on February 16, 2007, 07:23:24 PM
Reading it from the file every time it is viewed is not efficient.

That's maybe true for a big gallery with many visitors, but for some smaller galleries (with many files and less visitors) there should be the posibility to stop writing in exif-table, since not everybody has unlimited database space.
In my opinion shifting from "using database space" to "using processor time" should be possible as an option for exif usage.


It's easy enough to change the code if it's that important to you.


        //Check if we have the data of the said file in the table
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_EXIF']} ".
                  "WHERE filename='".addslashes($filename)."'";

        $result = cpg_db_query($sql);

        if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
                $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);
                $exifRawData = unserialize($row["exifData"]);
        } else {
          // No data in the table - read it from the image file
          $exifRawData = read_exif_data_raw($filename,0);
          // Insert it into table for future reference
          $sql = "INSERT INTO {$CONFIG['TABLE_EXIF']} ".
                    "VALUES ('".addslashes($filename)."', '".addslashes(serialize($exifRawData))."')";
          $result = cpg_db_query($sql);

becomes simply

$exifRawData = read_exif_data_raw($filename,0);


Thank you very much Nibbler.

... I love Coppermine!
