[Done]: Finnish language file revision [Done]: Finnish language file revision


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[Done]: Finnish language file revision

Started by papukaija, May 23, 2009, 03:29:31 PM

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I made some fixes to the Finnish language file. The fixed and updated version (includes $lang_errors['register_globals_on'] from 1.4.23 translation) is attached to this message.
Please let me know if it works correctly.

Line 38
$lang_byte_units = array('tavua', 'KB', 'MB');
should be
$lang_byte_units = array('tavua', 'kt', 'Mt');

Line 96
'offline_text' => 'Kalleria on poissa käytöstä. Tarkista myöhemmin uudelleen.',
should be
'offline_text' => 'Galleria on poissa käytöstä. Tarkista myöhemmin uudelleen.',

Line 845
'err_imgsize_too_large' => 'Kuva, jota yritit lisätä, on liian suuri. (Suurin sallittu koko on %s KB.)', //obsolete since cpg1.3 - consider removal in cpg1.4 once upload.php has been overhauled
should be
'err_imgsize_too_large' => 'Kuva, jota yritit lisätä, on liian suuri. (Suurin sallittu koko on %s kt.)', //obsolete since cpg1.3 - consider removal in cpg1.4 once upload.php has been overhauled

I have also translated all the remaining English texts to Finnish:

Line 94
'not_with_udb' => 'This function is disabled in Coppermine because it is integrated with forum software. Either what you are trying to do is not supported in this configuration, or the function should be handled by the forum software.',
'not_with_udb' => 'Tämä funktio on poistettu käytöstä Coppermine:ssä, koska se on integroitu foorumin kanssa. Joko pyydetty toiminto ei ole tuettu tässä konfiguraatiossa tai sen pitäisi olla foorumin käsittelemä.',

Line 102
'register_globals_on' => 'The PHP setting register_globals is enabled on your server, which is a bad idea in terms of security. It\'s strongly recommended to turn it off. [<a href="http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,59569.0.html" rel="external" class="external">more</a>]',
'register_globals_on' => 'PHP asetus register_globals on päällä palvelimellasi, mikä on huono idea heikomman tietoturvan vuoksi. On suositeltavaa ottaa se pois päältä. [<a href="http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,59569.0.html" rel="external" class="external">lisää</a>]',

Line 982
'YCbCrPositioning' => 'YCbCrPositioning', //cpg1.4
'YCbCrPositioning' => 'YCbCr -asemointi', //cpg1.4

Joachim Müller

There is something fishy with the linebreaks in your attachment, so I had to apply the changes manually. Anyway, thanks for your contribution - your suggestions will go into cpg1.4.24.


Thanks. I created the attachement under Ubuntu (with gedit), maybe this causes problems with the linebreaks.

Joachim Müller

I am using Ubuntu as well. No matter what application I open it with (gedit or my favorite editor bluefish), the double linebreaks are there (see attachment). Not sure what went wrong on the way, but as I suggested above: I applied the changes manually, do it doesn't matter that much.

Once again, thanks for your input



A hint for papukaia to fix line-breaks issue: somewhere in your editor settings, change Dos format (CRLF) to Unix (LF).


Quote from: Ludo on May 26, 2009, 10:27:13 AM
A hint for papukaia to fix line-breaks issue: somewhere in your editor settings, change Dos format (CRLF) to Unix (LF).
Thank you for your hint, but I didn't find that setting for gedit or for bluefish. Should text editors in Linux already use Unix format?

For future contibutions, can someone please test the attached files? The first one is created with gedit (I disabled the text wrapping, maybe this solves the problem) and the second with bluefish.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: papukaija on May 30, 2009, 04:40:51 PM
Should text editors in Linux already use Unix format?
Certainly yes: in fact, Linux is a port of Unix with another name (the word "Unix" is trademarked) that runs on another hardware platform than Unix (all pros, please don't shoot me : I'm aware that this is not 100% correct). Linux and Unix are not actually twins, but brothers. Windows is (compared to Linux and Unix) just is an uncle.

Quote from: papukaija on May 30, 2009, 04:40:51 PM
For future contibutions, can someone please test the attached files? The first one is created with gedit (I disabled the text wrapping, maybe this solves the problem) and the second with bluefish.
Both contain double line-breaks, so both are "bad" in my book.


Quote from: Joachim Müller on May 30, 2009, 06:53:07 PM
Both contain double line-breaks, so both are "bad" in my book.

Have you changed any settings in gedit or in bluefish? Do you make any additional steps before saving a file? I'm attaching a new file creted in bluefish (saved with the dos2unix filter). Does it work?


Just noticed, when I downloaded the test3.txt, I got the double linebraeks in the file. So this seems to be a bug in smf. In future I'll use a zip file for my contributions. Thanks for your help Joachim and Ludo.
