Flash Media Player plugin with visual integration (play flv/mp4/mp3/aac files) - Page 4 Flash Media Player plugin with visual integration (play flv/mp4/mp3/aac files) - Page 4


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Flash Media Player plugin with visual integration (play flv/mp4/mp3/aac files)

Started by Αndré, December 01, 2009, 04:09:38 PM

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Strange. I downloaded your case-39-tvdemon.flv file and it plays without any problems in local testbed. Will create a fresh testbed and try again.


Works also on my fresh testbed. Can you provide a test user account for your test gallery 'gallery1-2/'?


Issue has been resolved, it was a server problem which my host was able to fix.


Got a browser operability question. Hollowmoon.com.au is a site I have just thrown together for a friend. Using the twenty ten template I am getting good results all round, bar Safari. It is displaying the white box but no player and the following when Safari - Windows/Activity log is checked:

You don't have permission to access /plugins/flash_media_player/player.swf on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Firefox and IE8 are testing fine. Have disabled player and all plugins, and have just had player installed alone (also remembering to clear out the cache each time changes are made) without any luck still for Safari.

My question I guess is that even though all the chmod changes needed have been made as per Coppermine's install guide, do I need to go one step further when it comes to Safari operability. Is this observed behaviour for anyone else. More than happy to get test account details up as well.

Hope I have followed rules, quite new to the whole thing.


Is there anyway to use a custom skin for the player from JW's site? If I just use the default skin everything works fine but try to use a custom skin it doesn't.

Main Gallery - default skin

Test Gallery - custom skin



@purplefreak3: You cannot just replace the player file with the skin, but have to add the skin as parameter as described in the docs.

I've tested your preferred skin and it works for me. Just copy the skin file to the flash media player directory. Then open codebase.php, find
        $player = "plugins/flash_media_player/player.swf";
        $player .= "?file=$file";
        $player .= "&image=$thumb";
        $player .= "&autostart=$autostart";
        $player .= "&backcolor={$style['background']}";
        $player .= "&frontcolor={$style['color']}";
        $player .= "&lightcolor={$style['color']}";

and replace with
        $player = "plugins/flash_media_player/player.swf";
        $player .= "?file=$file";
        $player .= "&image=$thumb";
        $player .= "&autostart=$autostart";
        $player .= "&backcolor={$style['background']}";
        $player .= "&frontcolor={$style['color']}";
        $player .= "&lightcolor={$style['color']}";
        $player .= "&skin=plugins/flash_media_player/controlpanel.swf";

I'll try to add an auto detection that checks if a skin is in the plugin directory and uses it automatically.


Quote from: Αndré on November 02, 2010, 02:40:34 PM
I'll try to add an auto detection that checks if a skin is in the plugin directory and uses it automatically.
Plugin version 1.7 with automatic skin file detection attached to initial post.



First of all, thanks for this plugin!

I am in the process of migrating my 1.4.26 Coppermine installation to 1.5.8.  I have just about everything running like I want except for this Flash Media Player plugin which is generating javascript errors in Internet Explorer every time that it runs a flash video. Also, The "Display/Hide File Information" button on the nav bar does not work for flash videos with Internet Explorer 7/8 either and also presents the javascript errors. I have tested using IE7 and IE8 and neither runs without generating javascript errors and the "Display/Hide File Information" button does not work with either version of IE either.  The good news is that everything appears to work properly with Firefox and Chromium.  However, I have put this migration project on hold until I can solve these IE problems since so many people use the IE browsers.

Here is a link to a flash video in my 1.5.8 installation:


Upon playing a flash video, the javascript error icon appears on the bottom left of IE's status bar. Click on the error icon on the bottom left of the status bar and IE will present a window with the following errors:

Line: 1
Char: 156
Error: 'null' is null or not an object
Code: 0
URL: http://www.dickens.com/gallery_1.5.8/displayimage.php?album=41&pid=110

Here is a link to the same video on my 1.4.26 installation where everything works properly without javascript errors and with the "Display/Hide File Information" button working properly as well:


Please note that I have autostart enabled on the 1.5.8 version but it is disabled on the 1.4.26. For my 1.4.26 installation, I am using the modifications described here to accomplish the flash integration:


Please let me know if anyone else has seen these problems.  If so, then I would appreciate any advice that you could offer on how to fix these issues. Also, if there is something obvious that I am doing wrong then please let me know. FWIW, I have been able to reproduce this problem both with my own custom theme as well as with the default Coppermine "Curve" theme.




I didn't see any problems with the video player and didn't see any error messages, but I am also using IE9 as oppose to the older versions you are talking about so just might be a bug.


Hi  purplefreak3,

Thanks for the reply!

I have modified the plugin so that it does not any longer generate the javascript errors on my site.  However, the javascript errors are still produced by the stock unmodified flash_media_player plugin running with the stock unmodified Coppermine gallery.  Also, I visited some other peoples links from this thread where you can see the javascript errors in the lower left hand portion of IE's status bar such as here:


So, I'm not the only one who has seen this. BTW, the "show/hide file info" button works on the above gallery, however, I have tested  an older version of the jwplayer with the stock plugin where the javascript errors occur but the "show/hide file info" button still works just like here.

I am still working the kinks out on my site but when I am done then I will post the changes that I have made to the plugin to make it work properly without any javascript errors and with a functioning "show/hide file info" button.  I am not very experienced with php and so this is taking me alot longer than it should.




I never did figure out why the Flash Media Player plugin was generating javascript errors in Internet Explorer 7/8 every time that it ran a flash video.  The problem is in the codebase.php script but it must be subtle because I couldn't figure out why.  So, I just rewrote the pertinent lines of codebase.php based on what I had successfully implemented in my 1.4.26 installation.  Attached is the modified codebase.php file.

Please note the following:

1) I also modified the code to use the normal_ file for the video's background wallpaper.  If a normal_ file does not exist, then the script defaults back to the thumb_ file as in the original plugin.
2) I don't use flashplayer skins and I cannot therefore test them so I disabled that functionality.  However, it should be easy for somebody that uses skins to add that back in and test it.

Disclaimer: I am not very experienced with php and I am sure that there is a better way to do this.  However, the script now works great in my gallery without the javascript errors so I am happy.  Anyone is welcome to use these modifications, however,  test it thoroughly.  User beware!


Thanks for your contribution. I'll check your file tomorrow and will see if I can merge your changes with the official version.



I have written a few bash scripts that make it very easy to quickly convert videos in any format to flash format (flv) and for creating thumbnails (thumb_ files) and intermediate photos (normal_ files) from video files.  Attached is a file named video2ools.tar.gz file which includes the following four scripts:

video2pics - Create thumb_ and normal_ pics from a video in the current directory.
video2pics4all - Create thumb_ and normal_ pics from all videos in the current directory (batch mode).
video2flv - Create a flash video (<videoname>.flv) from a video of a certain type in the current directory.
video2flv4all - Create flash videos (<videoname>.flv) from all videos of a certain type in the current directory (batch mode).

These scripts require that ffmpeg and imagemagick are installed.





Quote from: Αndré on November 15, 2010, 11:18:10 AM
Works, butstill has that JavaScript error.

I used the object tag, as the embed tag is deprecated. That's what we have done in the core of cpg1.5.x, too.


I briefly see a javascript error for only a small fraction of a second as the page begins to load with:
However, there are otherwise not any javascript errors displayed thereafter as the page is completely loaded.  That isn't perfect, but I think that its much better than before.

I realize that the embed tag is deprecated for the object tag but, as described above, for some reason the object tag approach is generating tons more javascript errors and I have so far been unable to devise a way to fix it.
