Browser Crash Browser Crash


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Browser Crash

Started by slim.angel, January 11, 2010, 03:45:35 AM

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I had the newest version of the plugin and firefox 3.5.7 and sometimes, not everytime, the jupload crashed the whole browser.

Can I do something?

Greetings from Germany



  You can begin by:
1) Give much more information: Java version, OS, Navigator, what do you mean by crash...
2) Upgrade to the last JUpload version.



As I said, I have the latest. JUpload plugin Plugin v4.0.1
Or isn't it?

Java version: 6 16 (1.6.0_17-b04)
OS: Win7
Navigator: The Browser? Firefox

It crashed down, the programm closed and all gone.

Sorry my english is not the good. I hope you understand me :)


Ok, sorry I read your post too fast (I thought you where using 3.5.7 JUpload version, don't know if it even exists!

I have no Windows 7 box. I can't try that.

- Does it appear after a specific user action ?  (upload, add files...) ?
- In the temporary folder, you should find some jupload_NNNNN_log.txt. Can you post the last one after a crash here ?



No problem :)

No it came if I try to click on JUpload - the page started to load and then the browser crashed.

I tested a bit, only Firefox does it. I have Opera too, don't use it normally, but it does work. Why does it don't want work in firefox?

Oh I must search, cause I use it now not with firefox.
My Temp folder is empty :( Or does you mean online?


Oh wait it is on another direction in Win7:

00102    22:57:14.455    wjhk.jupload2.context.JavascriptHandler   [DEBUG]    Interrupted: [null]


Quote from: slim.angel on January 20, 2010, 02:37:07 AM
My Temp folder is empty :( Or does you mean online?

  If this folder is empty, then your temp folder is another one. You can find it, by opening a terminal window, and type 'set', check for the temp and tmp variables. (I guess it's the same for windows 7)

Quote from: slim.angel on January 20, 2010, 02:41:04 AM
00102    22:57:14.455    wjhk.jupload2.context.JavascriptHandler   [DEBUG]    Interrupted: [null]

It should be harmless. I guess it happens when the applet stops. It can't (hum, shouldn't) crash the navigator.



Again it crashed my firefox down  :'( :'(

What terminal windows? You mean after push the start button? Or in the Windows-Explorer?

It worked with Opera now, but not with firefox :/



  I'd like to help you. But you must provide me with relevant informations.  I need the debug output of the applet, to understand what's happening. See my previous messages here, for details.

If you wish, I can also give you the last applet, not released within the Coppermine plugin. It's conception is better, and could solve this issue.



Quote from: etienne_sf on February 22, 2010, 10:00:17 PM
But you must provide me with relevant informations.  I need the debug output of the applet, to understand what's happening. See my previous messages here, for details.

I don't understand what you mean. What you need and where can I found it? :)

Joachim Müller

Respect board rules for a start. What's so hard about them? They are available in German as well.


Sorry I try to understand what he want tell me and I try to find what he wants. Is that against the board rules??

I can make a screenshoot but it would not help, if I shoot my desktop after firefox is crashed.

Joachim Müller

Are you playing stupid on purpose? Here's the section that I have refered to in my above postings - just clicking the link would have lead you to that section:
Quote from: Joachim Müller on September 28, 2008, 10:27:07 AM
8. Post links
When posting a support request, it's helpfull for supporters in most cases to see what the actual page looks like, that's why it's mandatory that you always post a link to your coppermine gallery page when asking for support. If your site contains adult content, make sure to post a warning together with your link!

Supporters might get into issues if they accidentally visit a page that interferes with their employer's internet policy. If your site contains adult content (even mild nudity even falls into this category), post the words "not safe for work" next to the link.
Quote from: Joachim Müller on November 05, 2009, 09:55:36 AM
8. Poste links
Wenn Du um Support nachfragst ist es in fast allen Fällen für den Supporter hilfreich, sich selbst ein Bild verschaffen zu können. Deshalb ist es absolut notwendig und verpflichtend, dass Du in jedem Thread einen Link zu Deiner Galerie postest, wenn Du um Support fragst. Wenn Deine Seite Inhalte für Erwachsene beinhaltet, dann poste eine Warnung mit Deinem Link!

Supporter können in Konflikt geraten mit den Internetrichtlinien ihres Arbeitgebers, wenn sie versehentlich eine Seite besuchen, auf der Inhalte für Erwachsene zu sehen sind Falls Deine Seite solche Inhalte für Erwachsene beinhaltet (auch ein Hauch von Nacktheit wie die berühmten "Seite-3-Mädchen" fällt in diese Kategorie), poste die Worte "not safe for work" (in einem Englisch-sprachigen Unterforum) bzw. "Achtung, Link nicht jugendfrei" (in Deutsch-sprachigen Beiträgen) direkt neben dem Link.
What exactly is it that you do find hard to understand? Post a link to your gallery for a start, that's a pre-requisite. You have agreed to respect board rules when you signed up - seems like you haven't read them thoroughly. Read those board rules now.


He don't ask for a link and I can't see how it would help. Someone other can't upload in my gallery. And I described what happen.

But it you think it helped, I can do it... I just don't think that anyone must seen my gallery. So you need the link? The gallery from
But I use some more gallerys, on other servers and these are not mine, so I can' post the links. And there always happend the same.

I hope now can someone helped me.
Can I ask how it would help, cause it always happen if I upload.


The actual link to your gallery is - , not the one you posted.

Which clearly shows you are running an outdated version of coppermine - Coppermine version: 1.4.18

The current version is 1.4.26 meaning you are 8 versions behind. This may very well be the root of your problems (coppermine problems, not your attitude ones). So perform an upgrade. If you still have a problem then come back and post the debug details from the applet. If you don't know how to find those details search this very section of the board on how to do that as it has been detailed many times before.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


 ::) It is was the link to the gallery.  It should not been posted just the link like you do.

And as I said I had other gallerys where I used it and these are some other versions and it happen always, but  :-\ Next try I will update the whole


PS.: Oh I don't have problems ;) and you are not know me too have any right to judge about me.

I was just here to ask a question! And thats not my language, so I try my very best!

So maybe you can delate my links?


I can only judge you from what I have seen. As you have been asked a number of times to post a link to your gallery and then post a link to a non coppermine driven page I call that an attitude problem. Just be nice and try and play the game. We are all here for enjoyment, not for an argument. The rules are there to help you and from your link I can see you needed upgrading. Does that not help?

Please do as suggested and come back once you have upgraded. If it fixes your problem then tell us. If it does not fix your problem then post the applets debug information as requested above.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


I was just asked 1 times and then I posted the link.  :-\


Okay so nothing helped. And the link that I should so bad posting here helped nothing!

But I will stop asking, cause I  am not in the mood to get more insult here.