Permanent Watermark with GD2 - Page 6 Permanent Watermark with GD2 - Page 6


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Permanent Watermark with GD2

Started by Burpee, June 20, 2004, 11:43:25 PM

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I'd like to use Burpee's mod of this mod, for CPG 1.3... however I'm wondering where the watermark will appear?  and how to set it so that it will appear at bottom - 10px left - 10px  (in the bottom left corner with a 10 pixel offset).


I am sorry if this is answered somewhere in this thread allerady.
How exactly does this MOD work:
1) do all the batch uploaded pictures get watermarked?
-- or, do I get to chose if batch uploaded pictures get watermarked?

2)  do individual uploaded pictures get water marked?
-- do users/members (as opposed to admin level) have any control over the water marking process in this case.

3) what happens when a user uploads video, mp3, zip, pdf file?
-- does the upload faile?
-- does the file become unreadable?

The reason I am asking this is because I am designing a site that will have  a gallery that allows loged-in members to upload there own pictures/videos/documents. I want to have a watermark on the pictures that the users upload. The user should not be able to upload a picture without a water mark (although it is ok if they have a choice where to place the watermark on the picture)

The rest of the galleries are not for uploads by users. For these galleries I do the batch uploading and the pictures are already watermarked on my desktop pc prior to upload.

So, to some it up: all pictures that are uploaded via http/form need to be watermarked.
Batch files should not be watermarked.
Non-picture files should not be a problem (since I do not limit the file type to be uploaded)

I also think that anyone that thinks about using water marking should have these answers before going through the work of installing and testing the MOD's.

Please help, thank's in advance



Again, have you reviewed the entire thread?  Please don't post identical replies in three different threads.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Quote from: kegobeer on February 24, 2005, 06:07:59 AM
Again, have you reviewed the entire thread?  Please don't post identical replies in three different threads.

No disrespect, but if I would have gotten the answer to my question(s) I would have not posted in 3 different threads. I sincerely appreciate the effort and hard work put into these MOD's, but I am not sure as to the exact way to use them. I read the posts here and did not get a streight answer. I also noticed a few scatered posts that had similar questions... I could not find the answers to those posts either.

I would thinkk that it would be nice to have these answers all collected in one post and not have to search for them repeatedly in different posts. It just makes sense to explain how a script work rather than having to go through the instalation and searching process in each thread.

Hopfully, you won't take offence and if you can atleast point me to the correct post to get the answers to my questions.

Thank you

Joachim Müller

The mods are all user contributions. You can't expect us (the dev team) to test them all, compare them to each other and write a summary on them. A thread lebelled "watermark with GD" is of course something different than "watermark with ImageMagick". As you can only use one at a time, and you should know which image library you use on your server, there's little point in us holding your hand to explain the fundamental differences between GD and ImageMagick - this has been covered elsewhere, you can't expect us to repeat a lengthy explanation on each thread that deals with those image libraries.
The same thing applies to the other differences between those watermarking hacks: if you had read all of those threads you were replying to, you would have found out that the devs disapprove of on-the-fly watermarking (read up the discussion why this is so), so we don't recommend using a watermarking hack at all. You can't expect us to support stuff that we don't recommend using at all.



Ok, to answer my own question:
1. yes, batch uploaded pictures get watermarked. You get to choose where to place the watermark (up left/right or  down left/right, there is an extra MOD somewhere on this thread that also allows for centering the watermark, but I have not tried it).
- there is an option (in the 'config' section) that suppose to allow you to choose if you want the uploaded files to be watermarked.
IT DOES NOT WORK FOR ME - all my files get watermarked even if I choose the no watermark option.. Possibly I did not install the script correctly!? (one way to by pass this problem is by using the option that only watermarks the resized pictures... I don't use any resized pictures and therefore non of my uploaded pictures will get watermarked when I choose this option ;)

2. Individually uploaded pictures (using the 'Upload file' option) also get watermarked in the same manner as the batch uploaded pictures get watermarked..
-- users/members (other than the administrator) do not have control over the watermarking process.

3. So far I CAN NOT place succesfully a non-picture file!!!
I am able to upload the file and get to the page that askes for a title, description, and keywords, after that I get the error: "The previous file could not be placed."
I tried this it with MPEG and mp3 files a few times and got the same error in all my attempts.
- somebody already mentioned this error on this thread, but no one posted a solution.

Hope that this helps anyone considering this MOD and it would be great if someone can post an advice regarding #1 and #3



I have similar problem with the video upload. So, for now, I am using 2 different CM instelations on my domain/server. One for the pic's and one for videos... kind-of and overkill!

Any help?

Joachim Müller

hm, hate to repeat, but anyway: using watermarking isn't recommended anyway, as it will put an enormous strain on server load. Your webhost will certainly prefer it if you don't use it at all, at least if you're getting a high traffic volume (and even serve videos). Instead of using watermarking (and having the need for two separate installs), it's recommended to watermark pics permanently (before upload).



How do you execute sql commands in php ?  :-[

it's been asked a few times, but never answered :(

also, is there a way to say where to put the watermarks exactly ?
like 50px from the right and 50 pixel from the bottom?
or only the default ones?


SQL commands can be run with a db admin tool such as phpmyadmin.

You can set the $src_x and $src_y to whatever you like - just change the code.


Quote from: Nibbler on March 04, 2005, 01:21:56 PM
SQL commands can be run with a db admin tool such as phpmyadmin.

You can set the $src_x and $src_y to whatever you like - just change the code.

i have php my admin...

but i dont know how to execute them with it...


Can this work with CPG 1.3.2 ?
I try & try but nothing   ???

any bady help me>>>


squrban - read the thread - first post
thejinx0r - if you don't know how to use something, read the manual that comes with it.


Quote from: Nibbler on March 04, 2005, 01:21:56 PM
You can set the $src_x and $src_y to whatever you like - just change the code.

manual wasn't very helpful...
but i guess i figured it out.

oh well,
is there a way to have to different position? one for the normal and one for resized?
or am i going to have to figure that out for my self?


That's possible. You either need to code the changes yourself or wait for someone to post it for you.


one last question and i'll be good for a while.

what exactly is the resized picture?
is it a picture that someone made smaller/bigger after uploading?

well if that's what it is,

then what do you call  the picture? the sort of smaller one that you have to click to make it bigger?
theres no water mark on it,
but when you click on it, the water mark is there.

and thanks nibble for the help,
and others who tried to help :)

edit: i know you probably won't c this for awhile, but i had the config to watermark both the original and resized and it started to do it on the resize just now and i didnt touch anything :D


The mod doesn't watermark the thumbnail pic - that's the smallest version of the picture. When you click the thumbnail, you get the resized/normal pic, when you click the resized pic, you get the fullsize pic.


Nibbler >> tahnk you   ;D
its just work now..I forget rename the logo.png  ;)

but I like to add the Watermark to old pic too how coan I do that???

and tahnk's agen...


Quote from: GauGau on February 28, 2005, 07:45:22 AM
hm, hate to repeat, but anyway: using watermarking isn't recommended anyway, as it will put an enormous strain on server load. Your webhost will certainly prefer it if you don't use it at all, at least if you're getting a high traffic volume (and even serve videos). Instead of using watermarking (and having the need for two separate installs), it's recommended to watermark pics permanently (before upload).


I've seen this statement throughout the forum. I agree that this may be a big strain. However, for some this is a required functionality... and, it HAS to be done ON THE SERVER! For example, I want to allow users to upload pictures and store them on the gallery. We cannot expect teh user to watermark the pictures for us. Also, I can not go through the gallery manually every day and find out which pictures are the new ones, then download those pictures, watermark them, and upload them. This is just not practical. The watermark process on the server is about as difficult as the thumbnailing proccessing and yet we are not required to create the thumbnails on the desktop and then upload them.
I think that the fact that this subject requires a dedicated section in the forum kind of hints to the value of this feature.

PS. Has anyone figured or can expain to how to fix the problem related to the error when non-picture files are uploaded????