Responsive albums Responsive albums


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Responsive albums

Started by ErikM, March 02, 2013, 03:42:15 PM

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Great photo album, but is it possible to make the album responsive?


Not currently as the theme engine is still table based but hopefully sometime in the future someone might come up with a responsive theme.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


I tried to remove the tables in a template. But I gave up, because there are to many tables hardcoded in the core.
Die deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, du darfst sie kostenlos nutzen.
Aber sie ist nicht Open Source, d. h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen.


I think that this is not really important for coppermine. If you want something responsive there are other solutions like flickr. Responsive also means chaotic. You never know, what will be the result. A person who surfes with his smartphone will most probably not buy a picture or seriouly browse through an archive. If one uses a tablet, the appearance of coppermine is okay. It is a good idea to run a Blog in addition to a coppermine gallery. They don't have to be merged. The blog can point to new albums or tell a story about the pictures.




The time passed.
I prefer the tablet sistem, but in the present the people access with your smartphone, and prefer "responsive sistem" than the scroll with your finger.

I adhere to this petition, now is very actuality, (and very complicated).

Thanks a lot for all the works of the actuality CPG team, and for the old CPG team.



El tiempo pasó.
Prefiero el sistema de tableta, pero en la actualidad las personas acceden con su teléfono inteligente y prefieren el "sistema Responsive" que el scroll con sus dedos.

Me adhiero a esta petición, ahora es muy actual (y muy complicada).

Muchas gracias por todos los trabajos del equipo actual de CPG y al antiguo equipo de CPG.