Meet the dev team behind Coppermine!


About Coppermine Licensing

Coppermine is free software and is being released under the GNU GPL license. It is encouraged that you make modifications to its source. We encourage you to share changes you make to Coppermine to enhance its functionality and direct your friends to download Coppermine. More details can be found within the license file distributed along with Coppermine or on our community.

No warranty provided.

Coppermine is provided "as is" and without any warranty. Any express or implied warranties, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are disclaimed. In no event shall the authors be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or consequential damages arising in any way out of the use or misuse of this package.

Dealing With Photo Gallery Abuse

Very often people encounter content uploaded to a coppermine-driven photo gallery that they disagree with, take offense to or believe infringes on copyrights. We've collected this listing of Frequently Asked Questions to help you determine your best course of action. Please read this page before contacting us with a complaint, as many questions will be answered below.

I see a "Powered by Coppermine" in the footer - isn't it your site?

Coppermine is a free photo gallery software package that webmasters can download and install on their own websites. If you see a copyright as above, it probably means that the webmaster of the site is using our software. This means that no, the site isn't ours - they simply use our products. However, since we too use the software, there is a slight possibility that the site is a Coppermine project site. Before you contact us though, you should look into it more carefully to try and identify the owners of the site. If you can contact the true owners directly, you will save yourself (and us) time.

What's the fastest way to get results?

The first rule in dealing with picture gallery abuse is keeping a level head and being civil. Firing off an email threatening litigation and throwing around insults will only galvanize them against you. Always make the first step a polite notice indicating the nature of your complaint and a polite request for resolution. If this message is ignored, then proceed accordingly. Contact their host, or perhaps have your lawyer send a proper cease and desist letter. Keep in mind though - don't lose your cool. More often than not, the slight is unintended, and can readily be resolved.

Whom should I contact with my complaint?

The first person you should contact is the administrator of the picture gallery. Register on the gallery, find the administrator and send them an email or personal message on the forum if they have one. If they do not respond to your petition you should contact the host of the gallery, to determine whether or not the gallery is in contravention of the host's acceptable use policy.

Who is hosting the gallery?

The "Powered by Coppermine" tag at the footer of the gallery software does not indicate that we are the host - rather it indicates that we are the group that owns copyrights to the gallery software, much like Microsoft owns the copyright to the code behind Microsoft Word. If you would like to determine the host, you should look at the WHOIS information for the domain name.

How can I contact the owners of the gallery/web site?

The first way is to register on the gallery or web site in question, and try to contact them through the tools provided on the site. If that fails, try examining the whois information for the website. A great tool for checking whois information is

They are displaying my copyrighted material, how do I stop them?

The first step is to get in touch with the owner of the site. If you can prove that the material is being distributed without permission, contact the host to have them temporarily suspend the offending account.

How can I get the personal contact information or IP address for a user on a gallery?

In short, you can't. You really only have two ways - the first is to ask the member for their contact information, the second is to take the complaint to a court of law, and have a court order issued to collect the information. The reason for this is that in most countries, privacy legislation prevents the website owner from sharing that information with you.

(The textual content of this disclaimer section has been adopted from About Simple Machines Licensing and is being used with permission)

Current developers (In alphabetical order)

  • Nick name: Abbas
  • Real name: Abbas Ali
  • Location: Nagpur, India
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: developer
  • About: A Mechanical Engineer by education, Abbas is the founder at Ranium Systems, a web development company. He is also the author of Sphinx Search published by Packt Publishing, UK. Likes to play Pool and Cricket., hanging out with friends.
  • Status: active
  • Nick name: Aditya
  • Real name: Aditya Mooley
  • Location: Nagpur, India
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Developer
  • About: Working as a Technology Manager with SANIsoft. Loves Formula One and Cricket apart from programming.
  • Status: active
  • Nick name: Amit
  • Real name: Amit Badkas
  • Location: Nagpur, India (GMT+5.5)
  • Personal site: not ready for public yet
  • Role in team: Developer
  • About: Working as Technology Manager with SANIsoft.
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: eenemeenemuu
  • Real name: André
  • Location: Berlin, Germany (GMT +1)
  • Role in team: Developer, Supporter
  • About: André lives in Berlin and is working as an IT specialist.
  • Status: active
  • Nick name: Gizmo
  • Real name: Billy Bullock
  • Location: Millstone Township, NJ, USA
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Supporter
  • About: Hanging with my family and dog, Solo (a 120lb yellow lab built like a tank), improving my photography skills, golf and hitting the museums of the world.
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: Sami
  • Real name: Borzoo Mossavari
  • Location: Tehran, Iran
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Supporter/Developer
  • About: I studied Applied mathematic, I'm working as a programmer and designer in real life and also I'm a commercial Diver.
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: Lontano
  • Real name: Davide Renda
  • Location: Oise, France
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Moderator of Italian board
  • About: Office manager in real life (road-transports for a Dutch company in France), motorbike addicted (member of, the official Italian Yamaha Fazer owners club), father of two splendid kids: Èmilie aged 11 and 3 months old Andrea)
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: donnoman
  • Real name: Donovan Bray
  • Location: Marysville, Washington, USA (GMT -8)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: themes, developer, supporter
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: Fabri
  • Real name: Fabricio Ferrero
  • Location: San Juan, Argentina
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Spanish board Moderator, Translator and Supporter
  • About: Marketing University Student, Independent Contractor for Community Administration and Website Moderation, Social Networks founder, and giving first steps with online business. Loves "Web 2.0"! In real life enjoy meeting friends, having party and doing sports.
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: Frantz
  • Real name: François Keller
  • Location: Molsheim, France
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Supporter
  • About: stone carver in the real life. Interest for coding, skiing, music.
  • Status: active
»Hein Traag
  • Nick name: Hein Traag
  • Real name: Hein Traag
  • Location: Waalwijk, Netherlands (GMT +1)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Supporter
  • About: IT Engineer at Borg projecten. Main interests are 4x4,Star Wars, hiking, reading english books and cooking
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: PYAP
  • Real name: Pascal Yap
  • Location: Digne-les-Bains (Alpes de Haute Provence), France
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Supporter
  • About: Studio, concerts, Artists, Fashion, Paragliding photographer. Great interest also for coding www, Flying, for 3D, for Speaking about all and Coppermine ;-)
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: Paver
  • Real name: Paul Van Rompay
  • Location: Milton, Massachusetts, USA (GMT-5)
  • Role in team: Developer, Supporter
  • About: Software engineer working on the ground system for the next generation U.S. weather satellite (GOES-R).
  • Status: active
  • Nick name: Phill
  • Real name: Phill Luckhurst
  • Location: Hemel Hempstead, England
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Supporter, Developer
  • About: I am 37 with 2 children. I work for Fujitsu in the MOD side of things supporting all their IT from 30yr old mainframes to modern servers and networks to simple printers and a lot of cisco kit. While demanding when things go wrong I get a lot of spare time in between. Hobbies: Windsurfing, Photography, Para-gliding, Windsurfing and more Windsurfing (I'm not obsessed, honest)
  • Status: active
  • Nick name: SaWey
  • Real name: Sander Weyens
  • Location: Bentille (Kaprijke), Belgium (GMT +1)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: developer, supporter
  • About: Studying Multimedia & Communication Technologies, I'm an amateur short-film creator, very involved in the local youth-movement and addicted to the dynamic online content creation
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: Tranz
  • Real name: T
  • Role in team: supporter
  • About: Professional gadget geek. Amateur cat trainer.
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: Stramm
  • Real name: Thomas Lange
  • Location: Venlo, The Netherlands
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: supporter
  • About: He's an attorny at law but considered this to be plain boring. So he's working as website admin and designer since 1996. Currently developing custom content management systems.
  • Status: active
  • Nick name: Timo
  • Real name: Timo
  • Location: Germany
  • Personal site: Timos-Welt
  • Role in team: Developer
  • About: I am 34 and newly wed, no children (yet! ;-)). My job is system engineer and ITIL specialist. Hobbies: Photography, making live music (l/p mp3/download) (bass guitar, keyboards, vocals) and doing some homerecording of songs that I like, my wife, smoking (though it's unpopular and has to be practised outside in the meantime).
  • Status: inactive
  • Nick name: Nibbler
  • Real name: Tommy
  • Location: Reading, England (GMT)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Supporter
  • About: Currently studying for a Computer Science degree at Reading University. Can usually be found at Imperial Conflict or lurking on support boards around the net. Likes punk/rock/metal and ummm.. long walks along the beach.
  • Status: inactive

Retired developers (In reverse chronological order)

  • Nick name: ArDelLa
  • Real name: Frank Cleynen
  • Location: Leuven, Belgium (GMT +1)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: developer
  • About: Currently a student in Business Intelligence. Likes all kinds of technologies, tennis, all the stuff in outerspace
  • Status: retired
  • Nick name: Nitin
  • Real name: Nitin Gupta
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: developer
  • Status: retired
  • Nick name: GauGau
  • Real name: Joachim Müller
  • Location: Osterburken, Germany (near Heidelberg) - CET (GMT+1)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Project Manager, Developer
  • About: GauGau works as network admin in "real life" and enjoys meeting friends.
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2010-07-20
  • Nick name: Tarique
  • Real name: Dr. Tarique Sani
  • Location: Nagpur, India
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Project Manager, Developer
  • About: A Forensic and Paediatrics expert by education, a PHP programmer by profession, an avid amateur photographer - currently CTO of his own web-dev company SANIsoft
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2009
  • Nick name: Casper
  • Real name: Clive Leech
  • Location: Weston-super-Mare, Somerset, England (GMT)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Supporter
  • About: A professional firefighter for almost 27 years until my recent retirement, I am now a motorcycle instructor, running my own training school. My interests are of course motorbiking, particularly cruising, and I run the website for the UK Honda Shadow Owners Club.
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2006-10-10
  • Nick name: datajack
  • Real name: Jack will do, never sure whether that's his real name or not.
  • Location: Redcar, NE England
  • Personal site: (nothing interesting there, go & see Haxed instead)
  • Role in team: Developer
  • About: A professional info/network security consultant and part-time unix sysadmin. Outside of work, Linux geek, drunkard, carouser & developer - photographer, admin and developer for the area's biggest rock/alternative music scene website (
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2006-10-01
  • Nick name: gtroll
  • Real name: Scott [...]
  • Location: Hawaii, USA
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Developer - Nuke Porter
  • About: Interests - mountain biking, African drumming, body surfing
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2006-08-01
  • Nick name: EZ
  • Real name: Eyal Zvi
  • Location: Israel (GMT +2)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: i18n, phpBB-bridging
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2006-08-01
  • Nick name: DJMaze
  • Real name: Maarten Hagoort
  • Location: Den Dolder, Holland (near Utrecht) CET (GMT+1)
  • Personal site: (site currently down)
  • Role in team: phpNuke developer/tester
  • About: DJMaze works as professional ski repair in "real life" and enjoys meeting friends, windsurfing, snow boarding and skiing. He was born in 1978.
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2006-05-02
  • Nick name: Hyperion
  • Real name: -
  • Location: USA
  • Personal site: Who has the time for homepages?
  • Role in team: Developer (retired for personal reasons)
  • About: Shaun is a university student/part time IT consultant who enjoys hiking through the canyons of the American Southwest. He loves rain, trees, and landscapes that have elevational variations in excess of two feet per 120 miles (approx. 6 decimeters per 193 km). In his spare time, he creates photographic poetry installations and practices his Spanish.
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2006-04-01
  • Nick name: Blueiris
  • Real name: Roberta
  • Location: New Hampshire, USA - (GMT-5)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Supporter, Developer
  • About: Low tech to high tech, a farmer and web host/web designer. Flash/LiveMotion coding consultant and a supporter for the past five years on Adobe, Creative Cow, and LMStudio Live Motion support boards. On the low tech side, raises American Saddlebred horses and other farm critters. LISP programmer, photojournalist, and sports car racer in "past lives".
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2006-03-09
  • Nick name: madeinhawaii
  • Real name: Dennis Nakano
  • Location: Kaneohe, Hawaii (GMT - 10)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: supporter/tester
  • About: Manufactures own proprietary line of upscale skin and haircare products, professional wife & husband photography team, and former English teacher (though better-half considers him to be a multi-talented, professional goof-off). Interests include photography, woodcraft, food, more food, computers, people, countrysides, moutaintops, shorelines and food.
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2006-01-10
  • Nick name: wormie
  • Real name: David Alberg Holm
  • Location: Denmark (GMT +1)
  • Personal site:
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2005-09-01
  • Nick name: moorey
  • Real name: Moorey [something]
  • Location: Perth, Western Australia (GMT +8)
  • Personal site: (offline)
  • Role in team: Tester, Webmaster
  • About: Moorey is currently residing and working in Australia as a full-time web developer. His main interests are music, traveling and meeting people. Mainly a nut let loose on Mac platforms, he is also an avid PC and Solaris user.
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2005-07-01
  • Nick name: chtito
  • Real name: Olivier Verdier
  • Location: Sweden (Malmø) (GMT +1)
  • About: Improve the customisation mechanisms? Clean up the old formatting code? Let's see what I'll manage to do!
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2005-05-19
  • Nick name: skybax
  • Real name: Timothy
  • Location: Richmond, Virginia, USA
  • Personal site: / University of Richmond
  • Role in team: Developer
  • About: Currently studying Information Systems and Business for BS (I mean Bachelor Degree of course) at University of Richmond (in Virginia USA). Can usually be found racing cars or debugging my programming. Work as a communications and data consultant for my own company, and Systems Administrator for the local county public saftey dept. (aka I have no life)
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2005-05-19
  • Nick name: mstralka
  • Real name: Mark Stralka
  • Location: New Jersey, USA (GMT -5)
  • Role in team: developer
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2005-05-19
  • Nick name: OmniscientDeveloper
  • Real name: Christopher Brown-Floyd
  • Location: South Korea (GMT+9)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Developer
  • About: Christopher currently lives in South Korea. He has done programming since twelve years old and been doing web development for 5 years, mostly ASP and PHP. As a hobby, Christopher plays the piano/organ. He also likes game programming, which is what he started out doing when he was young.
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2005-05-02
  • Nick name: Kegobeer
  • Real name: Dave Kazebeer
  • Location: Panama City, FL, USA (GMT -5)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: developer, supporter
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2005
  • Nick name: oasis
  • Real name: Jay Hao-En Liu (劉昊恩)
  • Location: Hsinchu, Taiwan (GMT +8)
  • Personal site: (site is currently down)
  • Role in team: Developer
  • About: Oasis is currently studying Foreign Languages and Literatures at the National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, working part-time as an amateur designer, web developer and network administrator for a few departments on campus. He is also currently serving a term as the Minister of Information of the Student Union. Oasis has an interest in digital film and music, and enjoy traveling, watching movies, and eating!
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2004-04-15
  • Nick name: jasendorf
  • Real name: John P. Asendorf
  • Location: Columbus, Ohio, USA
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Docs and general handyman
  • About: John makes money by being a Web Applications Developer... he spends that money on his wife and music. An avid musician, he find just as much pleasure on stage as behind a keyboard.
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2004-04-11
  • Nick name: Zarsky
  • Real name: Mark Zerr
  • Location: St. Louis, MO (GMT -6)
  • Personal site:
  • Role in team: Lead Tester
  • About: Mark is currently studying for MSEE in communications theory. Mark is also employed in the telecommunications industry. He is currently married to a wonderful wife, has a dog and a cat. Mark's first computer was a Commodore 64.
    "I programmed my first line of code when I was 6 years old! Copied it straight out of the book!"
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2004-04-07
  • Nick name: greg
  • Real name: Grégory Demar
  • Location: Paris, France
  • Personal site: (offline)
  • Role in team: Retired developer
  • About: Greg was the sole developer of CPG until recently (September 2003) before the current dev team "inherited" the project. He is currently spending his time traveling and working in Japan and France.
  • Status: retired
  • Retired On: 2003-06-01


  • Nick name: DaMysterious
  • Location: The Netherlands
  • Role in team: theme contributor
  • About: DaMysterious has created loads of fantastic themes for Coppermine
  • Status: contributor
  • Nick name: Nanobot
  • Real name: Doug
  • About: Doug has done the vBulletin v3 bridge file
  • Status: contributor
  • Nick name: Girish
  • Real name: Girish Nair
  • About: Girish has contributed to the film strip feature
  • Status: contributor
  • Nick name: Jason
  • Real name: Jason Kawaja
  • About: Jason did the memberlist hack
  • Status: contributor


Language Translator
Icon English name Native name cpg1.2.x cpg1.3.x cpg1.4.x cpg1.5.x
Albanian Albanian - Ajet Nuro Ajet Nuro -
Arabic العربية Waheed Al-Sayer alwateen سمو المشاعر Nancy4
Basque Euskera - Kurtsik Kurtsik -
Bosnian Bosanski - - -
Bulgarian Български - Mihail Tomoff Aleksandar Aleksiev Marian Trendafilov
Catalan Català simkin - Toni Ginard , Mireia Salazar -
Chinese (Big 5) 台灣 Monkey CapriSkye , Monkey -
Chinese (GB2312) 中国 - Neil Gerstenberg CapriSkye , Monkey 艺书图
Croatian Hrvatski Webfrater Webfrater * -
Czech Česky Michal Soukup (migon) Michal Soukup (migon) Pavel Kolar Petr Koubovsky, Michal Simice, Adam Cechura
Danish Dansk David Holm (wormie_dk) Laugesen , David Holm (wormie_dk) Biskop Tomas C. Jensen
Dutch Nederlands Ron Bos Ron Bos Jan Paul Albe-Espero
English English (GB) - - Clive Leech (Casper) Nibbler
English English (US) Gregory Demar Coppermine dev team Coppermine dev team Coppermine dev team
Estonian Eesti Meelis Rüütli Meelis Ristjõe * Craig Tislar
Finnish Suomea Ville Taavila Mikko Kulmala Kati papukaija
French Français Niko J.D. Baranger Stefvar , François Keller (Frantz) , Titooy François Keller
Galician Galego - Jesús Quintana (Quinti) Jesús Quintana (Quinti) , CiberIrmandade da Fala -
Georgian ქართული - - Giasher -
German Deutsch Joachim Müller (GauGau) Joachim Müller (GauGau) , Andi Joachim Müller (GauGau) , Andi Joachim Müller (GauGau)
Greek Ελληνικά Lykman Lykman Nakis Nakis Soteriades
Hebrew עברית Eyal Zvi Eyal Zvi liorda (ליאור דוד) -
Hindi हिन्दी - - Anand Maheshwari -
Hungarian Magyarul Peter Ardo Peter Ardo Péter Nagymáté Halasi Miklós
Icelandic Íslenska - Jon Ketilsson
Indonesian Bahasa Indonesia - sengsara Johan Ng -
Italian Italiano ralf57 , Sesto Avolio Sesto Avolio , Claudio Anelli Ganesh Marco Marrai
Japanese 日本語 Mitsuhiro Yoshida Mitsuhiro Yoshida Mitsuhiro Yoshida Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Korean 한국어 ? - mle21 -
Kurdish كوردی - Hozhan * -
Latvian Latviski Kaspars Priedols Kaspars Priedols * -
Lithuanian Lietuviškai - - Rimantas -
Luxembourgish Lëtzebuergesch - - Francis Manderscheid (wuschel_lux)
Macedonian Македонски - - GjokoMK -
Malay Bahasa Melayu - Raz Rahim * -
Norwegian Norsk Øyvind Nondal johnwr johnwr -
Persian (Farsi) تغییر به حالت كاربر - B. Mossavari B. Mossavari -
Polish Polski Jacek Domoń Jacek Domoń Jacek Domoń , Radosław Pawłowski Vurmil
Portuguese Português Daniel Villoldo (Akela) - Pedro Cotter -
Portuguese (Brazilian) Português (Brazil) oZmosis Marcos S. Filho Frederico Mottinha de Figueiredo Ricardo Pires
Romanian Românã - Adrian Stan Rubeluţă Iulian-Valetin -
Russian Русский Ejik Mack666 Mack666 Mack666
Slovak Slovensky - ZiN Piranha Aurel Klátik
Slovenian Slovensko s55hh s55hh s55hh Boštjan
Spanish Español (Castelano) Daniel Villoldo (Grumpywolf/Akela) Daniel Villoldo (Grumpywolf/Akela) Daniel Villoldo (Grumpywolf/Akela) , Jorge Escribens (Kemmotar) fermunoz , jmatute
Spanish (Mexican) Español (Mexicano) - - - fermunoz , Dtc
Swedish Svenska David Garcia Musicalg , JMG Danny Swälas (ecto) , SeB Lasse Wannberg
Thai ไทย ? Thanit T. สมศักดิ์ ยอดดำเนิน
Turkish Türkçe Mustafa Tolga YILMAZ Ibrahim ALTINOK Ibrahim ALTINOK Sıtkı Özkurt
Uighur Uighur - Abduwahit Semet.NEWRUZ * -
Ukrainian Українська Kostya Jakovchuk - Maryan Rachynskyy Neolo
Vietnamese Tieng Viet ? Kyo Sirowky Webanhso -
Welsh Cymraeg - Owen * -
* = the languages marked with an asterisk have not been fully translated for this version. However, language files from older versions come with it, using the language fallback option introduced in cpg1.4.x those older language files can be used with coppermine - strings that have not been translated will then show in english.
Your language is not on the list? We'd love to see your translation, please refer to [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x and [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.5.x.