Looking for paid assistance with tweaks to coppermine Looking for paid assistance with tweaks to coppermine


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Looking for paid assistance with tweaks to coppermine

Started by webwobble, September 28, 2004, 08:12:05 PM

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I am looking to for some paid assistance with respect to my Coppermine installation.
I currently have a situation where I need to facilitate the following:
I have created a gallery where a photographer can upload wedding shots and give each couple a login.
This was the easy part. I now need to work out a way in which the folks viewing their albums can select pictures, specify the size then work out how to create a simple form which would tally up the order and which the customers can fax to the photographer.
One of the most significant problems that I can forsee is working out how to cope with different purchase options, size / mountings etc.

My gallary is sitting in a test location: http://grahamdale.co.uk/weddings/wedding_viewer/index.php
As I am still learning php I don't know how difficult this would be, so perhaps if someone could come back to me with a rough idea of cost I can take this further. I am looking to try to finalise this by mid-october if possible and I am willing to pay up front for help.

Many thanks

Martin UK


I would love to help you out with this, please drop me a line and we can talk about the details.


The paypal shop hack has the facility to allow up to 20 size/frame choices etc.
Note, this is not an offer to do the job for you.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Thanks for the replies folks. I have decided to opt for Casper's sollution.
Thanks to RatKing for getting back though.

Casper, the hack is very good - thanks.


Joachim Müller

excuse me for being dense - is the job offer invalid then? Can I flag this thread as "done"?
