Warning: getimagesize(albums/userpics/10001/525.jpg): failed to open stream Warning: getimagesize(albums/userpics/10001/525.jpg): failed to open stream


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Warning: getimagesize(albums/userpics/10001/525.jpg): failed to open stream

Started by nighthawk_, September 15, 2004, 07:29:43 PM

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Installed the new copermine (1.3.2) and when I tried to upload a 800x458 image I got the error

Warning: getimagesize(albums/userpics/10001/525.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/bt/home/web/sumpwil/nighthawk.beigetower.org/html/album/include/picmgmt.inc.php on line 37

I don't know why I get that because my max is 2048 in pixels, and its not to big either.

The image uploads, but a thumbnail isnt created. You can view it though when you click on the image.

This only works with some images.

Joachim Müller

link and test user account (non-admin) with upload privileges please.



The address is http://www.nighthawk.beigetower.org/album/

The user is test. No password. Thanks a lot!
You can see what images coppermine didn't make thumbnails for, instead of an image, its a little 1x1 sqaure.


I have an issue with your cookies.  I am unable to login on your site, it says welcome, then I am still not logged in.

There is nothing wrong with the pics, I copied them and uploaded them to my site ok.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here

Joachim Müller

where did you get the coppermine souces from? There are indeed cookie issues, this is the cookie info from your site:
QuoteCookie Information - http://www.nighthawk.beigetower.org/album/index.php
Name   cpg132_data
Value   YToyOntzOjI6IklEIjtzOjMyOiIyNjMxNmM4ODM2MzE4MzkyYmM5NzE2ZjY5MTI0NmZmZiI7czoyOiJhbSI7aToxO30%3D
Host   www.nighthawk.beigetower.org
Path   /
Expires   Samstag, 16. Oktober 2004 22:54:23

Name   cpg132_pass
Value   d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
Host   www.nighthawk.beigetower.org
Path   /
Expires   Freitag, 17. September 2004 22:54:12

Name   cpg132_uid
Value   2
Host   www.nighthawk.beigetower.org
Path   /
Expires   Freitag, 17. September 2004 22:54:12




Quote from: Casper on September 16, 2004, 06:31:09 PM
I have an issue with your cookies.  I am unable to login on your site, it says welcome, then I am still not logged in.

There is nothing wrong with the pics, I copied them and uploaded them to my site ok.
It's not the pics, its the thumbnails. Coppermine doesn't make them.


Quote from: nighthawk_ on September 20, 2004, 01:45:11 AMIt's not the pics, its the thumbnails. Coppermine doesn't make them.
Actually, the thumbnails have been created. Here's an example. However, for some reason, the image height and widths are being set to "0"  ??? That's why you can't see them.

Did you check the settings for thumbnails in your configuration?


based on TranzNDances discovery, try this.

Open your include/functions.inc.php, and find the 2 cases of this code;

$image_info = getimagesize($pic_url);

Change it to this;

$image_info = ($pic_url);

let us know if this works
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here

Joachim Müller

there have been reports in the past that webhosts disabled getimagesize for some obscure reason (I can see no impact on security, so it's probably an attempt to save resources). Do as Casper suggested and remove the getimagesize stuff completely from coppermine core code if this is the case (the function getimagesize being disabled on your server). This will result in improper html (as there should alsways be a width and height attribute for an <img> tag to keep the browser from constantly resizing the page during load, but it will nevertheless work. However, I'd complain at your webhost if getimagesize is disabled, as it's a most basic php function - you will run into issues with other scripts as well if you don't have this function available.



Hello. I have quite the same problem except that I managed to upload files this morning. It is thus not supposed to be a pb with my webhoster  ???

The error message is the following :

QuoteWarning: getimagesize(): Unable to access ./albums/edit/preview_b31a87be.jpg in /var/www/free.fr/d/9/monsiteatrucs/include/picmgmt.inc.php on line 226

Warning: getimagesize(./albums/edit/preview_b31a87be.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /var/www/free.fr/d/9/monsiteatrucs/include/picmgmt.inc.php on line 226

I must add that I did not try to upload via an url.

I do not remember any susbstantial change in the configuration of my Coppermine... except fot the number of lines in random photos and last uploads sections...

Help ?


Check to see if getimagesize() works at all.

Upload a jpg to your website in the root directory.  Call it test123.jpg.

Upload this code to your root and execute it.

Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Thank you for your reply.

I did not how to upload code on my website and execute it. Sorry, I am also a php newbie...

So I've copied the code in the notepad, uploaded it as test.txt, then renamed it as test.php and then, with my browse I pointed to http://monsiteatrucs.free.fr/test.php .

It seems to be correct as the answer is "302", which is the width of my pic.


Another point : I am now logged from my home PC and not from the office and I have the same problem : it is not the provider...


I am pleased to tell you that I think I have found the solution of my pb : in the configuration page, I had put that the gallery was offline.
And I must say the translation is somehow misleading.
In French, it is something like: The Gallery is not offline   --- yes ? ---- no ? ----
So you must note that if you say no, it means that it is online...  :P

If a translator reads me, he may change "La galerie n'est pas publiée" par "La Galerie est publiée"


I have exactly the same warning but I don't what can I do!!
on free I even can't change the rigth!