Seeing Total Category File Count on Index Page Seeing Total Category File Count on Index Page


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Seeing Total Category File Count on Index Page

Started by blazer380, October 06, 2004, 08:05:56 AM

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I have created Sub-categories under one of my main categories. All the files inside the main category have been moved to the sub-categories within it. Now when I look on the index page, the main category shows 0 for file count. How can I make it show the file count for all the files within it?

Joachim Müller


This is on the index page. As you can see it only shows 8 for total files.


This is inside the category, as you can see it only counted the 8 files in the albums, not the hundreds that are in the sub categories.


So how can I make it that the Ringtones on the index page shows 2139 in the Files



The images in your post aren't showing up.


ok, the images in my previous post should show up now...


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But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots



Hmmm, I noticed the same thing with mine (Installed just 6 days ago, latest version, v1.3.2).
I have not uploaded any pics yet, but have started creating albums and a subcategory (filled with albums as well), within a category. I set the Category listing to only show 1st level, and not show any albums underneath.

For example, I have a first-level Category called Event. The outline is as follows:

- BBall (a subcategory)
  + BBall Album1
  + BBall Album2
- Hunting1 (an album)
- Hunting2 (an album)

On the main page, the total Album count for the Event category is 2. It does not count its subcategories' albums (and I guess it goes the same way with its subsubcategories. I have not tried creating a subsubcategory and its albums yet.). The main page total count only shows the number of albums directly under the first level category.

I would prefer the main page Category listing shows the total number of albums (& files) of each first-level category, since this is the logically correct way of representing your collection.

I'm surprised no one has brought this issue up in the forum other than blazer380 and me.

Joachim Müller

This has been brought up several times already, search the board if you doubt this. The stats on the index page only shows for the elements directly within the page, no child elements are taken into account. This has been done to reduce the number of queries needed to build the page - the page load time of the index page would raise significantly if it did. I don't remember for sure, but I think there has been a thread about it that showed a solution (meaning: displayed the stats for all child objects, with the drawback of many additional queries involved). Imo those stats aren't significant anyway, I'd rather remove them completely.



Quote from: GauGau on October 11, 2004, 05:37:37 AM
This has been brought up several times already, search the board if you doubt this. The stats on the index page only shows for the elements directly within the page, no child elements are taken into account. This has been done to reduce the number of queries needed to build the page - the page load time of the index page would raise significantly if it did. I don't remember for sure, but I think there has been a thread about it that showed a solution (meaning: displayed the stats for all child objects, with the drawback of many additional queries involved). Imo those stats aren't significant anyway, I'd rather remove them completely.


I see.
I guess my keywords during the search weren't good enough since I did not come up with the related thread. Gotta think harder of those keywords the next time.
I can see GauGau's point, that if the additional queries involved to display the stats for all child objects, performance will suffer.
Thanks for your input, GauGau.