I Cant change permissions to folders "albums" and "include" I Cant change permissions to folders "albums" and "include"


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I Cant change permissions to folders "albums" and "include"

Started by Prim3r, October 08, 2004, 11:38:22 PM

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Hello all.

I just instaled the program , but i cant chabge the permissions :(

i asked to a frind of mine to change it...he did. but the folders go automaticly to read only again :(

he said that maybe is my winXP that dont alow to do that...

i spent hours trying to make this wokr..please..help.

what shloud i do?

thanks ;)


I just realize...i cant change atributes to ANY folder on my pc... :(

what the hell is going on? :(

anyone got a clue?


Could you please describe your setup? Are you going to host the files on your WinXP machine? Do you have a PHP processor/parser installed?


Quotehe said that maybe is my winXP that dont alow to do that

WindowsXP is your operating system, but what is your server?  IIS or Apache or something else?  Do you have server software running?
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im running the server on my pc , using easyphp.

its all ok..the site is up and running

but windows dont allow me to change folder attributes....
they are all read only.
my friend say is because of the SP2...

its realy weird....


You don't change folder attributes in WindowsXP.  As long as the user running the software can read and write directories (and since it's you, I'm assuming you can) Coppermine can do what it needs to in order to run correctly.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots

Joachim Müller

On windows as webserver there are two choices: you can have IIS (Internet Information Server) or Apache. Apache then runs in the context of the user who installed the software, IIS has two user specially designed for permissions, the one you have to change permissions for is IUSR_hostname).
You have to realize that there is no CHMOD on Windows, as this command is specific to Unix/Linux. As kegobeer suggested: if everything is working OK, you probably won't have to change a thing, although it's not recommended at all to run your own webserver that can be accessed from the internet if you don't have a clue on webserver basics.



The server is working fine...the webpage is online.

The only problem is , when i upload a picture , it sais upload complete...but it wont make the thumbnail.

i go to the folder where the pics are uploaded..the photo is there...but not the thumb.

i assume that the reason why..is that he dont have the permission to do so.

Joachim Müller



im using EasyPHP pack.
the PHP that came with the pack doesnt have GD :( and i cant figure it out how to put GD there.

so i have to use ImageMagick 6.1.0-5.

Its 5 am here.. :( im trying to put resolve this problem since 16 pm...
i really wonna work with this , didnt likeany other r photo gallery online prog.

Joachim Müller

you should get an error message if uploading fails - please post it, as it should give you an idea what actually goes wrong. Switch to single file uploads in your groups page, and enable debug mode in coppermine config. Getting ImageMagick to work on Windoze may be tricky...



Quote from: GauGau on October 09, 2004, 06:03:08 AM
you should get an error message if uploading fails - please post it, as it should give you an idea what actually goes wrong. Switch to single file uploads in your groups page, and enable debug mode in coppermine config. Getting ImageMagick to work on Windoze may be tricky...


thats the problem...it doesnt give any error message.
just says upload complete...but theres nothing there....im gonna re-install and make same screens to pst here....brb :P

Joachim Müller

don't re-install but do as I suggested: switch to single file uploads, enable debug mode for everyone and try again.
Post a link and test user account (non-admin) with upload privileges then.


Joachim Müller

I will only repeat this once more: switch groups settings to single uploads for the group the test user account is in, and enable debug mode in coppermine config for everyone. I won't look into this any further if you don't do what I suggest to help you troubleshoot. Read supporter's postings more carefully. >:(



done  :)

ok..now i get a lot os msg errors.guess the same as u gonna have :(

Joachim Müller

This is the error message I get:
QuoteThe file 'albums/userpics/10002/Beispiel~0.jpg' can't be inserted in the album

Error executing ImageMagick - Return value: 1

Cmd line :
C:\ImageMagick-6.1.0-Q16convert -quality 80 -antialias -geometry 133x100 "c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\gallery\albums\userpics\10002\Beispiel~0.jpg" "c:\program files\easyphp1-7\www\gallery\albums\userpics\10002\thumb_Beispiel~0.jpg"

The convert program said:
'C:\ImageMagick-6.1.0-Q16convert' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
What path did you specify for ImageMagick in coppermine config? There should not be the word "convert" in it, as you're suppossed to specify the path the executable (convert.exe) is in, not the executable itself.
With debug mode turned on, you should be able to trouble-shoot this on your own (at least try to before posting a quick reply).


P.S. I didn't ask you to toggle the display of notices in debug mode to "Yes". Like I said: read supporter's posts more carefully.


i put just like this : C:\ImageMagick-6.1.0-Q16

Thanks for ur help..gonna try to see it more carefully.

sorry for the trouble :(



Try C:\ImageMagick-6.1.0-Q16\

When you don't have the second slash, this is the result:

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There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots


Quote from: kegobeer on October 09, 2004, 01:25:31 PM
Try C:\ImageMagick-6.1.0-Q16\

When you don't have the second slash, this is the result:


I cant belive this...i spent hours to figure it out what was going on here...and that was the problem :(

enabling the debug mode like gaugau said,   and looking at ur repply , i finally manage to put things all right :D

Thanks 4 ur help , both of u ;)

Problem solved.