vB 3.0.3 and CPG 1.3.2 intergration vB 3.0.3 and CPG 1.3.2 intergration


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vB 3.0.3 and CPG 1.3.2 intergration

Started by cybermatic, November 17, 2004, 06:50:22 AM

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I have vB and CPG setup and working nicely however, I have just tried to intergrate the two and now I am having problems with CPG.  Whenever I try and login via CPG, it keeps looping (or doing something) and then a message pops up around 3 minutes later saying "Could not connect to remote server: http://gallery.bendigo-tech.com.au/login.php".

http://www.name-of-site.com.au - Forums are located here.
http://gallery.name-of-site.com.au - CPG is located here in a sub-domain.

I have heard that there have been problems with intergrating the two if the forums are in a sub-domain but what if CPG is in a sub-domain?  Can the intergration still be done and how??

My current setup:

define('VB_CUST_NO', '*************'); // Your vBulletin license number (NOT your customer number)
define('VB_DB_NAME', 'forums'); // The name of the database used by the board
define('VB_BD_HOST', 'localhost'); // The name of the database server
define('VB_DB_USERNAME', 'raywells'); // The username to use to connect to the database
define('VB_DB_PASSWORD', '***********'); // The password to use to connect to the database

define('VB_WEB_PATH', '/');

define('VB_TABLE_PREFIX', ''); // Leave empty, not supported by vBulletin 2.3
define('VB_USER_TABLE', 'user'); // The members table
define('VB_SESSION_TABLE', 'session'); // The sessions table
define('VB_GROUP_TABLE', 'usergroup'); // The groups table
define('VB_COOKIE_PREFIX', 'bb');  // Cookie Prefix, not supported by vBulletin 2

define('COPPERMINE_VERSION', '1.3.2');
// User database integration
// Uncomment the applicable line if you want to use it
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'phpbb');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'invisionboard');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'vbulletin23');
define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'vbulletin30');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'yabbse');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'smf');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'woltlab21');
// define('UDB_INTEGRATION', 'punbb');

Any help would be much appreciated.


Joachim Müller

define('VB_WEB_PATH', '/'); is of course wrong: this means to coppermine that it is suppossed to look for your bbs in the root folder of the sub-domain is currently is in, which is where you installed coppermine to (gallery.bendigo-tech.com.au), so it goes to coppermine's login.php, where it is told once more to search for vbulletin's login page - this causes and endless loop.
To resolve this, you should specify the correct path (could be a redirector), e.g. define('VB_WEB_PATH', '/redirector');, with a folder within your coppermine folder that holds a file "login.php" that redirects to your actual login page (preferably with an .htaccess file, but if you can't have that a "regular" meta-refresh will do as well.

In fact the basic answer to your question is: yes, integration with sub-domains can be tricky and is not recommended for unexperienced users.



Thanks for your help however, no matter what I do I can't seem to get it to work.  I have tried various ways of redirecting and they all give a different result but the one I am looking for. :(

I have set VB_WEB_PATH to /redirect and in that folder I have a file called login.php with the following code in it:

<meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content=1;url="../login.php">

That just seem to loop again.  However, when I change login.php to say log.php, it redirects perfectly.

What am I doing wrong?

Joachim Müller

of course, it does what you'd expect: you're sending people back to coppermine's login page. You have to send them to the login page of your bbs. Change your code to<meta HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" content=1;url="http://bendigo-tech.com.au/login.php">. You still don't seem to get the basic concept, I strongly recommend giving up the subdomain idea and doing this the "regular" way with coppermine being in a subfolder of your primary domain (http://bendigo-tech.com.au/gallery/ instead of http://gallery.bendigo-tech.com.au/)



*Goes back to the "regular" way!*

Thanks for your help anyway.


It doesn't even work the "regular" way.  It takes me to the vB login, I login, and when I go back to CPG, I am not logged in.

EDIT:  Just out of curiosity, CPG doesn't need to be installed into the same database as the forums does it???


It CAN work with different databases, but this can be tricky, or nigh on impossible if everything is not exactly correct.

It is strongly advised, some say mandatory, for the 2 applications to be on the same database.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


That could be why I am having a few problems then.

I will try moving coppermine into the Forums database and see if that helps.

Thanks :)


Ok,  I have merged the CPG database into the forums database.  Everything seem to working nice until I go to login.

Forums = www.bendigo-tech.com.au
Gallery = www.bendigo-tech.com.au/gallery/

When I click login on CPG, it redirects me to the forums homepage.  I log in and then navigate back to the gallery and I am not logged in.

This is getting frustrating.

EDIT: Test account...
UN: tester
PW: tester123

PLEASE help!

Joachim Müller

posting your actual url instead of this "nameofsite" crap would make it easier for supporters. I find it quite silly to be forced to scroll up to your very first posting, copy the url from there, paste it into the address bar and modify it to actually point to the valid folders.



Quote from: GauGau on November 18, 2004, 08:44:29 AM
posting your actual url instead of this "nameofsite" crap would make it easier for supporters. I find it quite silly to be forced to scroll up to your very first posting, copy the url from there, paste it into the address bar and modify it to actually point to the valid folders.
Sorry about that. 
