Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip - Page 8 Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip - Page 8


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Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip

Started by rphMedia, December 05, 2004, 05:18:08 PM

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For the ones asking for the flash without the graphics, refer to reply #52.  I would suggest that you read through all the threads anyway; there are recommendations/tidbits along the way (to prevent further questions).

MIRROR, the width and height must be exact or distortion will occur.  This too was mentioned a couple of times in the threads  ;)


I have found the attached file in #52. Yes there is not present tile.gif but in a place of this figure there is an invisible border in its height. I.e. if height flashthumb.swf = 190 pixels the height of photos will be somewhere 120 pixels. And it would be would be desirable that they are equal.


Quote from: rphMedia on December 04, 2005, 01:10:26 PM
For the ones asking for the flash without the graphics, refer to reply #52.  I would suggest that you read through all the threads anyway; there are recommendations/tidbits along the way (to prevent further questions).

MIRROR, the width and height must be exact or distortion will occur.  This too was mentioned a couple of times in the threads  ;)

Gotcha' on that. Thanks and so sorry i am not better proficient in these matters just yet but then theres the rest of this lifetime to learn and discover , right? Where would some of us be without others to direct us along the way.

Again my thanks.  ;)


Quote from: rphMedia on December 04, 2005, 01:10:26 PM
For the ones asking for the flash without the graphics, refer to reply #52.  I would suggest that you read through all the threads anyway; there are recommendations/tidbits along the way (to prevent further questions).

Variant 1 this that, that was primary.
A variant 2 this that, that has turned out at use *.swf without tile.gif.
A variant 3 this that, that is necessary for me.


hi rphmedia... you like to see the pugin in action.. (
i am using it for my kids' website now and it still is one of the coolest features according to all who took a preview...
2 things i'd like to know... is there a chance to adjust the color of the strip to my theme? i can get hold of the necessary program, but maybe that is a bit overdone or too complicated - what's your view?
and... what is this thing with the "agent" that flash paces re: use of microphones etc? one of my friends classified that as spyware (or is it cia-ware?)
hope you enjoy the (virtual) laurels of your work...
a shot says more than a thousand words...


Quote from: renatab on December 19, 2005, 10:00:31 AM
hi rphmedia... you like to see the pugin in action.. (
i am using it for my kids' website now and it still is one of the coolest features according to all who took a preview...
2 things i'd like to know... is there a chance to adjust the color of the strip to my theme? i can get hold of the necessary program, but maybe that is a bit overdone or too complicated - what's your view?
and... what is this thing with the "agent" that flash paces re: use of microphones etc? one of my friends classified that as spyware (or is it cia-ware?)
hope you enjoy the (virtual) laurels of your work...

It appears that you figured out a way for the background color change.  There are other ways, but that works.  Make sure you put it in the <embed> tag as well (for other browsers).  That code would be "bgcolor=#ffccff"

It would probably look better without the filmstrip graphic - there's a post (I think 52) that doesn't have the black graphic.


Quote from: rphMedia on December 20, 2005, 10:15:49 PM
It would probably look better without the filmstrip graphic - there's a post (I think 52) that doesn't have the black graphic.
All is true, in a post 52 there are no black graphic, but it is an example of a variant 2 my previous posts (there is an empty place instead of graphic). And the variant 3 (borders flash on borders of a photo) is necessary to me.


well, i think the moving strip (that is currentlly black) is just so cool.
i wonder if i can adjust the color of the strip?
i have all tools to do that, just would not know where to apply those changes.
thks for the advice with the tags... my wonderful work with code has just messed up both my sites...
a shot says more than a thousand words...


I'm testing the image scroller based on the html files posted previously in this thread by Ron and PYAP. The flash files load fine, and the filmstrip obviously scrolls, but no images are showing up.

I have flashthumb.php, flashthumb.swf, main.swf, and the html file all in the Coppermine root. Since this is being tested in my local Coppermine install, there are no .htaccess files to contend with. The object and embed tags in the html file call "main.swf," since it is in the same directory as the html file. All of the user albums are publicly viewable.

I have tried opening main.swf directly in the flash player, and get the same result - no images. I design in Flash and LiveMotion, and I've never had trouble testing a file on my local machine, so I'm at a loss.

I feel I'm missing something here, but what? Can someone help kickstart my brain?

Edit: this install is cpg1.4.2  bridged to phpBB2.0.18 with the most recent bridge files.

Another edit: Have since tested this on the server, and no images show up there, either.

Arrrgghhh! Edit: It's the bridge. Disabled bridging and everything worked fine. Anyone know why the bridging causes the scroller to be unable to pull the images? Must have the bridge - really want to use the scroller - how to make this work???
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - he's got to discover that it's wet for himself.


There must be a difference in the folder structure where the images are stored.  I have no idea, but maybe someone else will.  There are a couple other scripts that use actual links to image folders - you may want to try those (instead of the database).


Use cpg_db_query() instead of mysql_query()


Quote from: Nibbler on December 27, 2005, 10:19:32 PM
Use cpg_db_query() instead of mysql_query()

YES! That did it. Thanks Nibbler - workin' perfect now.

Whew - now I'm only hours away from getting this gallery live!
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - he's got to discover that it's wet for himself.


Ron - thanks, applause, a cyber blue ribbon and a cyber trophy to you for creating this mod! Thanks also to you and PYAP for the links to html pages that got me on the right track for what I wanted to do with it, and of course, again to Nibbler for the key that unlocked the bridge problem. Gallery went live last night, and the uploads are coming in fast and furious. Everyone loves the Image Scroller!

You can see it at work here:

and at the top of the Saddlebred World Forum here:

This will be a wonderful promotional tool for the site, since I can let users put the Image Scroller on their sites to advertise the gallery!

A hint for FireFox users - FF almost drove me nuts in the final hours of getting this up. In FF, only one panel of images would scroll past, then a blank space where the next panel should have followed. Ran fine in IE and NS. It was a player problem, apparently. Upgrading FF to Flash Player 8 fixed.

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - he's got to discover that it's wet for himself.



The article, Embedding Flash While Supporting Standards, showed how to make the scroller code validate in CPG 1.4.

The following replaces the object block (which included <embed>, which prevented validation)
            <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="main.swf" width="715" height="190" >
                <param name="menu" value="false" />
                <param name="movie" value="main.swf" />
                <param name="play" value="true" />
                <param name="loop" value="false" />
                <param name="quality" value="high" />
The random scroller requires Flash to work.


Show please your code from page of a forum.
And what source code was used?


The code on the forum page is a simple iframe that resides in a td tag in phpBB's overallheader.tpl for that themel, like this:

   <!--Start Gallery Filmstrip-->

   <td width="150"><img src="templates/ChristmasOne/images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="150" height="10" border="0"></td>
   <td align="center" width="100%" valign="middle">
   <iframe src="" name="Scroller" id="Scroller" width="600" height="120" align="top" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe></td>
   <!--End Gallery Filmstrip-->

To made the frame, I simply put this in the .css file for the template:

Quote#Scroller {
      border: 5px double #0B6900;

"120.html" is a plain jane html file:



<body bgcolor="#04111F" leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" rightmargin="0" bottommargin="0" marginwidth="0" scroll="no">

<table width="600" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" align="left">
      <td width="600" align="center"><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="600" height="120" align="middle" vspace="0" hspace="0">
                  <param name=movie value="main2.swf">
                  <param name=menu value="false">
                  <param name="BGCOLOR" value="04111F">
                  <embed src="main2.swf" pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="600" height="120" align="middle" vspace="0" hspace="0" menu="false" bgcolor="04111F"></td>

"120.html" resides in my Coppermine root directory along with flashthumb.swf, main2.swf, and flashthumb.php. Please note that main2.swf mods the mod. I wanted the Image Scroller to be 120 px high rather than the standard 190 for this particular page. Since I work in Flash, I simply reconstructed main.swf to the narrower height.  If it's the narrower height that interests you, I can zip and attach main2.swf, but only if Ron gives the OK to do that. It's his mod, after all!

You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - he's got to discover that it's wet for himself.


Quotebut only if Ron gives the OK to do that. It's his mod, after all!

No problem at all.


Since Ron gave the OK, I've attached a zip with main2.swf to display the Image Scroller at 120 px. high. This should be used with the version of flashthumbs.swf that does NOT have the filmstrip graphic.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink - he's got to discover that it's wet for himself.


I applied the image scroller into the anycontent file.  Works great and I love it, but I noticed that in the task manager-processes, that firefox was using anywhere from 25-50% of the cpu usage even when the page loading is done.  Without anycontent enabled, the cpu usage drops to 0% when page has finished loading.  Image scroller also seems to slow performance time when you click on a page or thumbnail.  Any idea why the cpu usage is so high with image scroller loaded? I use cpg1.4.2 and copied and pasted only the code for the image scroller into it.  That is all the anycontent page has in it.
