Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip


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Image Scroller - based on Filmstrip

Started by rphMedia, December 05, 2004, 05:18:08 PM

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Speaks for itself.  Still refining.

*removed old link  8)

Hein Traag

Sneak preview indeed and looking to be a nice mod :)

* Hein makes mental note to watch this thread.


Wow ... Let's talk about "Teaser" ...  ;)
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights! - Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!


Well, here's one place where it's implemented.  This particular is calling up the last 12 uploads from the Gallery.

*removed old link

Should have the details within a day or so.


And finally in CPG itself -

*removed old link 

Hein Traag

Looking very nice Ron. Congrats on a nice mod! Really cool way of adding a slice of your gallery to the frontpage of a website to lure visitors to the pictures :P


Alrighty, here are the files.  Drop them into your gallery root and put this in your anycontent*.php

starttable($CONFIG['picture_table_width'], 'Random scroll from our gallery.');
    <td class="tableb" >
            <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="600" height="190" codebase=",0,0,0">
                <param name="menu" value="false">
                <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000">
                <param name="movie" value="main.swf" />
                <param name="play" value="true" />
                <param name="loop" value="false" />
                <param name="quality" value="high" />
                <embed src="main.swf" width="600" height="190" loop="false" quality="high" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" swliveconnect="true">
<?php endtable(); ?>
<br  />

That's it.  The way it's configured, it will grab 13 thumbnails at random and load into the flash file. It will not show private album thumbnails. The height and width of the flash code is crucial as skewing will occur if modified. I left the background black (I think it looks better), but you can add a transparent parameter to the flash code to comply with your particular theme.  Any questions, fire away.


edit - it'd be real nice if I added the files :)


Works great.

There's only a little problem:

This anycontent is much smaller than my others. Is it possible to have the filmstrip wider and maybe with 20 thumbs?

Thanks a lot!

P.S.: In Firefox ok!

Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights! - Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!


20 thumbs?!  I think you mean just enough so we can use 'picture_table_width'?  Let me play around with the code. Sheesh, some people are never satisfied.......................kidding. Give me some time. I think it looks pretty good, hama [thumbs up!].



20 thumbs?!  I think you mean just enough so we can use 'picture_table_width'?
Yes, that's true.

--> Edit: What happens to "people" with resolution 800x600 (I've got 1024x768)?

Sheesh, some people are never satisfied.......................kidding.
Sorry, a tester has to test and test and test ......  ;)
Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights! - Get up, stand up, don't give up the fight!


Does this flash have a border?  On my site, I use this in an iframe on my homepage. It displays great in firefox, which respects the class and styles I give the iframe, but IE does not.  There is a very thick white border around the flash show, which I just cannot remove, and I think I've tried everything I can.

Excellent mod  ;)
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Actually Casper, I can't believe that the flash file looks that good squeezed down like that.  As I stated earlier, if you change any of the dimensions, then....well, unexpected results occur.  The simple solution to your problem is to set the background of the iFrame/flash code  to the color of your site background.  Probably somewhere in your css. Or I can modify the file to a width of 440, no problemo.

hama, for your question, tis the nature of the beast.  You need to design your site to the smallest target audience, if that's what you are concerned with.  If you're concerned about users w/800x600 res, then that's what you strive for.  Nothing should be more than 600 width and 800 height; barring scroll bars.  There's so many variables.  Your original request was for more than a 600 width.  This will create a horizontal scroll for your 800x600 users.  Just keep that in mind. Let me know what you guys want....:)


No, it's not due to the size.  The iframe is only 440 wide, to fit the page, but the anycontent is the full width, so the iframe is only showing the left 440 of the anycontent.

I've tried everything with the css, and it works in firefox, where the background colour is what I want, but IE just ignores everything, including putting the background colour directly in the iframe code.

That's why I asked about the flash file having its own border.  I know nothing about flash, but I know other iframes I use have no such inner border, see the shoutbox as an example.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Well, what is this class="tableflash" you have?  Probably has something to do with that, but I can't see that obviously.

It's a parameter/dimension problem.  As you can see on my site (in IE as well) and to answer your original question, no, there's no border whatsover w/ the flash file itself.  No border at this site either and it too is in an iFrame.

You had an unexpected pixel border with the last mod too, not enabling it to be centered.  Look into that "tableflash" class and see if you can manipulate that a bit.  Nice idea by the way, to make it smaller width; didn't catch that.  


The 'tableflash' was one of my attempts to use the css to cure the problem.  Notice on the site you link to the iframe is bigger than the slide show.  I agree they have managed to have the correct background colour.

But look at this on my site, where I have removed everything except the iframe with the slideshow.

I have made the iframe the same size as the slideshow, 600 x 190, but there is still the border, and the slideshow falls of the bottom.

Please note, this I know is a problem with the iframe, not your slideshow, but it's bloody frustrating.

I also noted that the border is there in firefox, but because it's the correct colour, you only notice it when the bottom filmstrip is cut short.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


I think I'm going to have to live with the iframe problem, so I'm going to ask a big favour  ;)

could you do one for me 400 wide x 140 high please.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Nah, I don't buy it   ;D  This CAN be fixed, but yes, I will make a 400 wide show for you, along with hama's wider show.  Give me a day or so.  Something is telling the iFrame to have that border.  I'll be back..... 


The sprocket graphics, to me, look a bit dated.  Like things looked everywhere shortly after Alien Skins 1.0 came out.  How about a cleaner flatter look? Or a true photorealistic look?  Would you consider a contribution ?




rphMedia it's interesting ...

So I think you can be my solution :)

Would you be able to create a navigation system in FLASH using CPG database ?

Popup : on the left : thumbs, on the right, the called picture ... people don't know
the url of the pics ('cause inside flash) ...

I don't want to "break" this thread so if you can contact me by msn (if you have it, of course) >

Very nice mod !